#426 Skirt, Boston Legal, Lori/Tara

Sep 23, 2014 23:40

Title: We Haven't the Time
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: #426 Skirt
Fandom: Boston Legal
Pairing: Lori/Tara
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 250
Note: Can I get a Fandom Tag for Boston Legal please?

Lori looked up as Tara entered the office after a brisk knock.

Tara smiled, closed the door behind her and made a show of making sure the blinds were shut.

Tara came round to Lori's side of the desk and sat on the edge. She crossed her legs, Lori couldn't help but notice the way her skirt rode up an inch.

Lori was suddenly very aware it was late, hardly anyone else was on this floor. "Help you?" Lori said finally.

"I certainly hope so," Tara purred. "I just wanted to say, I like the skirt you're wearing today."

Lori looked down. The skirt wasn't anything special, plain black, business-appropriate. "Uh, thanks."

"Your arse looks fantastic in it."

Lori blushed. "Thanks, again, but I'm..."

Tara stopped her by putting her hand on her knee. "Sorry. I'd love to flirt with you more, I really would." She looked at Lori, giving her sultry sex-eyes. "But we haven't the time."


Tara pointed up with her finger. "It says NC-17 up there, we've only got two hundred and fifty words."

"Oh," Lori frowned, looked up then nodded. "Carry on."

Tara smiled and with cat-like grace slipped under the desk. She slid her hands up Lori's legs, up the skirt that made her behind look so tempting. Lori scooted to the edge of the chair, holding onto the desk with both hands. Tara eased down her underwear and then pushed the skirt up. Lori spread her legs. Tara's mouth went to her pussy.

author: swan_secrets, challenge426, fandom: boston legal

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