Title: A Place for Just You and Me
Prompt: Challenge #425 - Bed
Fandom: The Moth Diaries
Pairing: Ernessa/Lucy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
"Wouldn't want to upset Rebecca, would we?" Ernessa whispered, her breath brushing against Lucy's cheek as she reaches over to lock the door.
She drew Lucy close, backing her onto the bed. As soon as her back hits softness, Ernessa is upon her. Soft cool fingers pop open the buttons of her shirt.
Gentle lips meet hers, almost pulling away with reluctance until she clings to Ernessa.
"Please... Don't stop." Lucy breathes out, wrapping arms around her neck. The smell of their scents entwining makes Lucy think how her bed has become their private little paradise, just hers and Ernessa's.