#59 - Water

Mar 11, 2006 15:14

Title: Rinse
Author: Beckie Gloom
Fandom: LOST
Pairing: Sun/Shannon
Challenge: #59 - Water
Rating: G
Word count: 150
A/N: Sequel to "Blood", my submission to challenge #58. Same spoiler warnings apply (up to series one, episode twenty). Hope you like :)
Summary: Nimble fingers and rough cloth and water work together to cleanse Shannon’s flesh of the sticky maroon substance that itches so badly; the only thing that remains of her brother’s life and youth gradually being washed away...

Disclaimer: I don't own LOST, or any of the characters or creations mentioned within. This is a piece of fanfiction, for which I'm recieving no financial profit.
X-Posted to: lost_femmeslash, lost100 and lost_slash.

The cool water running down Shannon’s naked upper body makes a sharp contrast to the warm hands sliding over her skin. Shannon doesn’t know to whom the hands belong; the only thing she’s sure of is that they are not Sayid’s. The fingers of these hands are slender, soft and gentle - the hands of a woman.

Slowly, carefully, nimble fingers and rough cloth and water work together to cleanse Shannon’s flesh of the sticky maroon substance that itches so badly; the only thing that remains of her brother’s life and youth gradually being washed away by this unknown woman.

She wants to ask the woman to stop, to tell her how much she needs this final closeness to him. But the woman is so sure, so silently authoritative, that Shannon finds herself unable to do anything but submit to this treatment.

To allow the caring hands to rinse Boone away.

challenge59, fandom: lost, author: beckie_gloom

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