Title: Safe
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Sara/Finn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 159
Note: Major fluff.
Finn had been sleeping with Sara in the same room for weeks now. Sara had been the one to suggest it but she had done the best she could not to push. She wanted to be sure Finn was safe, that was all. Finn had slept a lot better with Sara there. She seemed to understand that with Sara at her side her safety was never going to be punctured again. Sara had been a good, caring friend to her. Enough so that Finn found herself wanting... more. She had been the one to move closer to Sara. She had always been close to Sara but now she moved to wrap an arm around Sara, nestling closer. Sara smiles slightly down at her, kissing her forehead softly. She still won't push. Finn ends up moving closer. By now she is all but rubbing herself against Sara's side. The sense of safety is what is driving her to be bolder.