Challenge 55 - Blue

Feb 13, 2006 20:48

Title: In Blue
Fandom: Chicago (Movie Verse)
Pairing: Roxie/Velma
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
A/N: Cross-posted to girlie_girl_23

You never expected to see her again, so when she showed up at your audition, you were surprised. She was wearing a blue dress.

You'd never seen her in blue before.

You wanted to hate her, you said you hated her, but you couldn't find it in yourself to actually hate her. She looked good, in that blue dress, and when she knelt down to pick up your papers, she was embarrassed because she thought you were looking at the holes in her stockings. Truthfully, you were much more mesmerized by the sight of her pale, lush cleavage against the blue lace of the dress.

You were surprised by the thoughts and feelings within you, and yet not. After all, you had spent so long wanting to be like her, wanting to have her lawyer and her publicity and her fans. And after wanting to be like her, and hell for a while wanting to be her, you figured that equated to also somehow wanting her. But that wasn't why you agreed to work with her. Wanting her had nothing to do with it. Or so you told yourself.

You said yes because she looked so damn good in blue.

fandom: chicago, challenge55, author: girlie_girl_23

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