Title: Lifeless
Challenge: 55 - Blue
Fandom: Jane Eyre
Author: Missmai_chan
Pairing: Jane Eyre/Helen Burns
A/N: I haven't tried to imitate the style of Charlotte Bronte here, although I'd usually do that. I'm just not in the mood to appropriate my style this evening. Forgiveness please. :)
The light was dying ember-slow that evening and the hush of night was heavy around Jane. The starlings in the school eaves had even stopped their ragged flight across the dusky halls, weary...
Jane gathered her sooty skirts in one hand, her candle's shadow wavering on the high walls, shrugging off shadows and leading her to the room where her Helen lay.
When she found her ailing friend, she was near the door of the eternal. Jane tucked into the cot and steeled her fragile sentiment for what was to come, for what her young heart would have to accept.
"Helen, I'm here with you," Jane whispered. Helen's eyelashes flickered, dark against her waxen doll-face. She pressed herself into Helen's body and felt, against her cheek, a quickening in the sick girl's pulse.
"Don't, darling one."
Two brown pinafores lost their outlines and mingled in the low light and the relentless fire flush of that heated room. The cot seemed to glow with the effort of Jane's body, trying to infuse life.
There were steps on the stone stairs, quick and purposeful. Helen's pale blue lips opened.
"Who will we be from now, Jane?" Helen's face was pained, some un-namable thing drawing her down into an exclusive dark.
"We will never be apart."
The last throb subsided; the glossy lids closed. Jane did not cling to Helen. She relaxed from her dead grasp and pushed the damp hair back from the perfect face.
Jane gifted her blue lips a useless, farewell kiss.