Title: Arrow to the Heart Author: Swan_Secrets Prompt: Once Upon a Time: Regina/Snow - arrow - requested by fresh_brainss Fandom: Once Upon a Time Pairing: Regina/Snow Rating: R Word Count: 221
Mm.. Good use of their relationship to show how Regina will always doubt herself. (Ah Snow... I bet if the candle had been for Regina instead of Cora, she wouldn't have done it. Your drabble has convinced me of that! )
XPPPP I suppose she WOULD use one of Snow's fave implements!
Ooooh, love that delicious edge of darkness, especially the fear and threat in the last line. And the trust between them, so wonderful, love how much faith Snow has and how much it means to Regina! ♥
Comments 3
XPPPP I suppose she WOULD use one of Snow's fave implements!
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