Title: Crazy Trouble
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: RPF: Ariana Grande/Miley Cyrus - sweetheart -
requested by
dominant_spoonFandom: RPF
Pairing: Ariana Grande/Miley Cyrus
Rating: R
Word Count: 250
Miley almost kicked one of the two empty bottles of wine on the floor as she stumbled out of bed. Nude, she crossed the room and into the bathroom.
She peed then guzzled two glasses of water. She looked at herself in the mirror. Make-up was smudged around her eyes. Her hair was all sticking up on the left side. She smiled and leaned in closer looking at the hickey on the side of her neck. She licked her lips. They still tasted of pussy.
She returned to the room and picked her way through the clothes scattered on the floor, quickly pulling hers on. She glanced at the bed where Ariana was sleeping. The covers were bunched at her waist. Miley smiled at the memory of giving her the love bite that marked her left breast.
For a moment Miley was going to just walk out. But she returned to the bed and put her hand on Ariana's shoulder. Miley smiled when her eyes opened and gave her a light kiss on the lips. "Gotta run sweetheart but I'll call you." They shared another, more heated, kiss before Miley turned and left.
Ariana sat up and found Miley's black thong on the sheets beside her. She picked up the underwear and lifted them to her face, inhaling the scent.
She knew Miley was all kinds of crazy trouble and this being a one night thing would probably be best. But Ariana also knew she wanted to fuck Miley again.