Seven Sins for Slashers

Jan 16, 2006 00:05

(It's five past midnight - can I beg forgiveness and post? I've got all seven sins here and I wanted to post them together, and the last one gave me trouble.)

I was going to try for seven different pairs, one for each challenge, but two of them sent rabid Fuffy plot bunnies after me. So, here's a mixed bag of six pairs to seven sins.

Also, I'm not sure if claims here are considered exclusive outside of the alphabet challenge. I know giantessmess writes a lot of Alex/Olivia, so I sincerely hope it's not stepping on her toes if I include one here. Hers are much better than mine, anyway. :)

Challenge 44: Gluttony

Fandom: X-Men (kind of oriented to the Animated Series, but a few years later)
Pairing: Jubilee/Rogue
Rating: PG
Word Count: 125
Note: this will be confusing if you don't know anything about Rogue

Jubilee just has to taste things. That's how it’s always been.

She was the kid at a theme park who would eat cotton candy until she threw up. She shoplifts things she doesn’t want, just to see if she can. She picks at scabs and plays with matches and leaps before she looks.

Curiosity killed the cat, but it had nine lives anyway. You might as well get your money’s worth on a few of them, right?

So when she starts dreaming of full curves, red hair and a low Southern drawl, she doesn't hesitate. She finds Rogue, alone, and before she can object, runs her tongue over those lush lips.

She spends two hours out cold.

It is, she decides later, totally worth it.

Challenge 45: Pride

Fandom: Batman (comic/animated series)
Pairing: Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Every time Harley shows up on her doorstep, disheveled and small, Ivy melts.

There’s always a sob story about that bastard she calls Mr. J. How he’s turned her out again. How she’s not good enough, never good enough.

Ivy always opens her arms and her heart, kissing those tear-stained cheeks, murmuring reassurances. Harley pulls her closer; that’s how it begins.

Ivy falls asleep nestled against Harley’s fine blonde hair and always, always, always wakes up alone.

This time, she shuts the door on those baby-blue eyes.

Her bed is cold and empty. But at least she has her pride.

Challenge 46: Wrath

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Setting: Graduation Day, Part 1
Pair: Buffy/Faith
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

You miserable bitch.

This isn’t about the Mayor, or the war, or good or bad or anything any more, is it? It’s about me. Me and you, and us. You trying to hurt me as bad as you can, just because you can.

Killing him. Cute. Were you jealous? Of me, or him?

I should have known you were bad clean through. I should have never let you do those things to me. I’m not like that. It’s you, it’s your fault. Your influence.

I’m coming for you. Tonight. And when I lay your corpse in his arms, I’ll smile.

Challenge 47: Envy

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pair: Ginny/Fleur
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

It’s hard not to hate her. She’s tall, blonde, and gorgeous. Her skin is clear and pale, not covered with freckles. Men drool over her. And she’s marrying Ginny’s favourite brother, whose heart she’d better not break if she wants to live.

Of course Fleur has to pin her into the bridesmaid dress (which she hates) - because Fleur insists that her mother would do it wrong, for which Molly has stomped downstairs in a huff.

“Bon,” Fleur says, smiling. “You look très belle.”

Ginny blushes as Fleur’s hands wander over the gold silk.

Well, sometimes she’s wrong about people …

Challenge 48: Sloth

Fandom: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Pair: Alex/Olivia
Rating: R
Word Count: 111

The ugliness of it all haunts Olivia at night. Bruises, crying vics, semen stains, pedophiles - all dancing behind her eyelids. It only really goes away when Alex is trailing slow kisses down her stomach, unbuttoning her jeans, writhing against her tongue. It only really goes away here, in her bed.

She’s drowsing against Alex’s neck when she hears the familiar chirp of her beeper. “Fuck.”

Alex nudges her. “Hey, sleepy. It’s yours this time.”

She wriggles in closer, shaking her head. “Not yet.”

In ten minutes, it’ll go off again. She’ll grab clothes, rush to the scene of some horror and make excuses.

Right now, she’s pretending she won’t have to.

Challenge 49: Greed

Fandom: Bring It On
Pairing: Torrance/lots (includes het)
Rating: R
Word Count: 150

Torrance wants.

She wants Aaron, for a long afternoon of slow kisses and touches, right there in his dorm room.

She wants Missy from the moment she sees her saunter in to try-outs, all attitude and sex, not afraid of anyone. She wants Missy to growl and giggle and fuck her.

She wants Cliff, distant and cynical. She wants him to be gruff and sarcastic and then melt in her arms.

She wants Isis, strong, proud, defiant.

She wants to win Nationals and have everyone talk about what an amazing captain she is, how she’s miles better than Big Red ever could have been.

She wants to head back to the hotel afterwards for a celebration, all the girls pumped and delirious from the win. She wants to dive into a pile of toned, athletic bodies and lick and grope and suck every inch of them.

Torrance wants, wants, wants.

Challenge 51: Lust

Fandom: BtVS/AtS
Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Rating: R
Word Count: 100

People didn't believe in love any more.

She had loved Angel with every ounce of herself. Killing him had nearly torn her apart. Their mistake wasn't about lust; they had loved that night.

Faith was different. Faith was dark alleys and quick fingers. Faith was groaning and thrusting and biting. Faith was a little secret, hidden around corners, with loud orgasms and quiet sobs.

Angel was wrapping your arms around a pillow and pretending it was him. Faith was waking up in a cold sweat and masturbating feverishly.

That's how she knew she didn't love Faith. Because lust wasn’t love.

fandom: angel, challenge48, challenge46, fandom: harry potter, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, challenge51, fandom: x-men, fandom: law & order: svu, challenge49, author: relativity, fandom: batman, fandom: bring it on, challenge45, challenge47, challenge44

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