And once again drabbletag has pushed past the post limit. Kudos to all you prolific and amazing writers!
ETA: And no lie, just adding the extra master post links has now broken the H-N post so I'll be splitting that one also if you'll just bear with me a minute...
ETA2: Also, Q-Z is right on the limit so I'm going to do that one as well. Things are going to be a total mess for a little while, so sit tight.
ETA3: All done, if you spot anything messed up or broken, please say!
prompts A-D and all rules prompts E-G prompts H-L prompts M-N prompts O-On prompts Or-P prompts Q-S prompts T-Z and crossovers Again, we're a long way from the comment limit so please continue to simply reply to the comment that contains the request you're writing. :)
If you notice typos, broken links, missed prompts or any other kind of errors on the posts, please tell me and I'll fix them ASAP.
Also, I try and keep an eye on any new tags needed, but I do miss some, so if I've missed one of yours feel free to PM me or comment on any
challenge or
admin post. :)