Challenge 51 - Lust (and the rest of the deadly sins)

Jan 12, 2006 23:00

Sorry to inflict so many fics (and by that I guess I really mean - so much of my inner ramblings) on you all but I am on holidays and so have time to write more (don’t worry holidays are an extremely rare event at my work so it’s not about to happen again for quite some time). I should point out that I really did start writing each of these drabbles with the specific challenge topics in mind but as usual they all just derailed into angstville (and at this point are pretty much interchangeable) - sorry about that (there is no excuse and no reason for the angsting, as mentioned, am on holidays and am quite content at present, I just don’t seem to be able to write happy things.)

Title - Keep Thine Enemies Closer
Fandom - The Dead Zone (TV Series)
Pairing - Sarah/Dana
Challenge 44 - Gluttony
Word Count - 250
Rating - Almost NC17ish
AN - Set during The Storm, some time before the awesome Sarah/Dana bonding scene which is my favourite Dead Zone moment ever.

The kisses fly hard and fast but not quite as fast as Dana is divested of her clothing, “You sure you don’t want to slow things down?” she teases as she rips at Sarah’s buttons.

“I doubt that you wore that bathing suit in this weather with going slow in mind,” as if to directly oppose Dana’s concern, the reply is accompanied by an attempt to remove her own clothing faster.

“I didn’t exactly wear it with you in mind either,” she mutters between kisses and tugs.

“No, I would have said that was for my ex-fiancé but he’s not here so I guess it’s for my current husband.”

“I was planning or wearing nothing at all and you left out the Reverend.”


“You shouldn’t be so judgmental, he’s a powerful man, that can be very intoxicating.”

“I don’t want to know.”

“You’d prefer that I was only interested in Johnny?”

She tries not to think about how much that thought pains her, “I’d prefer it if you didn’t talk at all.”

“So you can pretend to be pure, pretend that you don’t want Johnny and Walt and, it would appear, me?”

“I loathe you.”

“I know but that does nothing to decrease you appetite for me, does it Mrs Bannerman?”

“Just shut up.”

“Less talking, more kissing?”

She nods in agreement and pulls Dana’s mouth back to hers. Outside the storm rages in earnest, the rain drowning out the groan she makes as she lets Dana enter her.

Title - Allegiances
Fandom - The West Wing
Pairing - Carol/CJ
Challenge 45 - Pride
Word Count - 250
Rating - Probably PG13
AN - We are way, way, way, way behind in TWW in my country so have only seen up to the end of season 5 - this is probably placed a little earlier in the run of the show than that though.

She is part of an administration that she truly respects, what they do may not change the world but that doesn’t stop them trying. Nothing in her life will ever be this important again, in a way this is her legacy. One way or another, what they do here will be remembered. She should be so grateful to be a part of this that it consumes her, that she lives only for her work. In a way that’s true, she can’t stand to be away from the building, there is just the minor problem that being in CJ’s office means more to her than standing on the seal in the Oval Office ever will. Her hands are steady as she delivers information to the Chief of Staff but they tremble when CJ invades her personal space. Her desire for CJ results in her marring her body - her palms sport crescent moons, the inside of her checks permanent ridges, her flesh the casualty of the internal battle she wages to stop herself moaning whenever CJ causally touches her. She is embarrassed to admit that it is almost impossible to control her body when she’s in CJ’s presence. She knows The President would disagree but somehow she can’t bring herself to believe that worshipping CJ is wrong or that it’s a sin to be proud that she has the privilege of sharing the same air as her, in fact she’s almost sure that it would be a bigger sin not to.

Title - Betrayals
Fandom - Sin City
Pairing - Deadly Little Miho/Becky
Challenge 46 - Wrath
Word Count- 100
Rating - Rish
AN - This is definitely AU for the film but the coda scene from the movie isn’t in the graphic novel (and to be honest it’s not even clear the Becky survives the shoot out) so I figure it’s not really AU for the books.

Her body is broken, the flesh torn from her limbs by the explosion and the rain of bullets. Each breath that manages to expand her lungs may well be her last but that’s not enough for Gail who dispatches Miho to ensure that vengeance is served. The blade is drawn across her throat slowly, tenderly, a lover’s caress. Her sight is fading but there is enough clarity to know that Miho’s eyes show only anger, the warmth and desire for her have been extinguished. She catches a flash as the knife glints in the night and then she sees nothing.

Title - The Most Toys
Fandom - Eulogy
Pairing - Lucy/Judy but Alice’s POV
Challenge 47 - Envy
Word Count - 150
Rating - I’m not sure - somewhere between Pg13 and R I think
AN - Let’s face it, written mainly so I could include Judy’s awesome, awesome response to Alice saying, "I’m sure you’re a very nice lesbian, is that the preferred term?"……

"We prefer whore, I think all women do these days," the sex toy is talking to me and likely reveling in my discomfort. It’s hard to concentrate as she casually flicks the ash from her cigarette and has the hide to speak candidly about her depraved carnal activities with my little sister. I can’t believe Lucy brought her here; it’s bad enough that they flaunt their unnatural lifestyle in front of my children but this is a solemn occasion, a time that should be for family. I long for Lucy to come to her senses and realise that she can’t continue to pretend her sham of a relationship is in anyway equivalent to what I share with Bert. I hate her every time the term ‘life-partner’ falls from her lips. I wish she wasn’t foolish enough not care what other’s think and I wish I could have been that brave.

Title - Awakenings
Fandom - Angel
Pairing - Kate/Lilah
Challenge 48 - Sloth
Word Count - 150
Rating - PG13 I guess
AN - Set before the scene with Kate and Angel at the Hyperion in Epiphany.

Tardiness is not something that she is often accused of and she hates that her delay allowed him to be a hero. In a way she would rather the women in front of her had died than have him save her and cause his Messiah complex to grow. That is a truly alarming thought, she can not believe that even a small part of her would prefer to have someone live when their death would have meant pain and suffering for him. Lockley begins to stir and she knows she must flee, not just the room but the woman. She can’t allow herself to care this much for someone, can’t permit the lapses in judgment this could spawn. She runs her fingers across a pale check before planting one final kiss on Kate’s lips and leaves knowing that she has to destroy this thing between them before it destroys her.

Title - Well Mannered Frivolity
Fandom - Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire
Pairing - Fleur and others
Challenge 49 - Greed
Word Count - 100
Rating - Almost NC17

The Yule Ball was meant to be magical in the mundane, metaphorical sense of the word but for many it was a brutal night. Girls littered the steps, eyes red, faces stained, foolish hearts broken. Her heart is intact but her night has not been magical. She’s a champion, she should be the centre of attention but they encroached on what is hers. She vows to win back her limelight, to have everything, including them, and as Cho’s body spasms around her fingers, she is already imagining her next conquest and how she will make the little muggle-born upstart beg.

Title - SHB
Fandom - Popular
Pairing - Sam/Brooke
Challenge 51 - Lust
Word Count - 100
Rating - PG13 to R
AN - Sorry the the_girl_20 but it’s not the happy Brooke/Sam piece that I keep promising to write.

You prefer your scars to be invisible. You don’t fear blood but you do fear marks. You restrict, you exercise, you purge and you bash your limbs against sharp objects until welts form. The relief is exquisite, if fleeting, and at least the bruises fade. In her you find a new way to drown, find pain and desire in a perfect package. You ache to touch her and feel you’ll die when she lets you. She delivers guilt and shame combined with suspended moments where you mind shuts off and you forget you’re you. You could not want her more.

fandom: angel, challenge48, author: faithinthepoor, fandom: sin city, challenge46, fandom: the dead zone, fandom: popular, fandom: harry potter, challenge51, challenge49, fandom: eulogy, fandom: the west wing, challenge45, challenge47, challenge44

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