Title: Empty Hearts
netgirl_y2kSummary: Amy goes looking for the rumoured swimming pool in a libary in the TARDIS and finds more than she bargained for.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Amy Pond/Rose Tyler
Date: 02-09-2010
Word Count: ~2,200
Spoilers: Up to Hungry Earth/Cold Blood S5.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its characters are the property of the BBC. I do not own the characters and indeed am only playing with them for a little while. I am not making any money from this. No copyright infringement whatsoever is intended. The story is for entertainment purposes only. Please check with me first if you want to archive this story.
Distribution: Teaspoon and an Open Mind, anyone else please ask first.
Feedback: Yes please *g*
Notes: I had this idea for a fluffy, light little fic. It came out a little differently, though, so I hope you still like it.
Empty Hearts