Title: Sisterskin
neneboomerwingFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny/Bellatrix
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 4000
Summary: Ginny is on a mission, inside another woman's skin.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to J.K. Rowling, not to me. No profit made.
Thanks: Thank you to
st_aurafina who bravely read this for me.
Sisterskin )
Comments 7
I like to see how this one encounter changes Ginny in the future, how she would look on her own family now.
All around, I really loved it. I loved the idea of the Horcruxes leaving imprints (so brilliant I wish I had thought of it at some point!) in the space around them. with that much dark magic weaved into them I can totally see it and I think played off the idea nicely.
Which brings me to this: I love Ron bursting into Hermione’s explanation--like look, look I have great ideas too! See! It's so. . .Ron. It's him showing off in a way that makes sense--came from a big house, lives inside Harry's shadow, etc. It works so well here though.
And of course this line:
Ron snapped, "No!" just as Harry and Hermione said the opposite, and Ginny somehow resisted the ( ... )
I am pleased! I like to leave more than simple replies when I can get my brain to work and since this was for me it was appropriate!
Thank you again for being one of the ones to get it in on time and everything too! Yay!
I thought this was unbelievably good. Of course they would have incestuous sex... like Lucius would be able to please Narcissa in bed! I loved it. And I loved Ginny, with her freckled hands. And I liked how things felt differently in Narcissa's thin body. I LOVED this.
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