"Loyalty" [TWW, CJ/Carol, R-ish]

Apr 16, 2006 10:34

Title: Loyalty
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Author’s Email: stormwriter@shatterstorm.net
Recipient: netgirl_y2k
Rating: R-ish for language
Pairing: Carol/CJ
Category: "what if"/episode epilogue, angst
Date: 8-14 April 2006
Word Count: 1954
Short Summary: Who will take care of you when you've taken care of everyone else?
Rating/Warning: PG13, discussion of character death
Spoilers (if any): Up through "Election Day, Part II"

Disclaimer: “The West Wing”, the characters and situations depicted are the property of Warner Bros. Television, John Wells Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but without the intent of infringement. This site is in no way affiliated with "The West Wing", NBC, or any representatives of Allison Janney or Melissa Fitzgerald. This site contains stories between two mature, consenting adult females.

Title Notes: The original concept behind this story was going to have sex. Basically your garden variety hurt/comfort sex in the wake of this surprising [for the characters] death. And that didn't work out. And all through the story, I kept seeing the theme of loyalty and support. And then I realized the title, and how well it just fit.

Author’s Notes: This story was written as a backup in the femslash06 ficathon for netgirl_y2k, whose requests were as follows:Listed fandoms I request: (limit three, pairings optional):
Firefly (Inara/Kaylee, Inara/River)
Harry Potter (Luna/Hermione)
Wildcard fandoms I request: (limit three, pairings optional):
Star Trek Deep Space Nine (Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn)
Babylon 5 (Delenn/Lyta, Ivanova/Talia)
The West Wing (CJ/Carol)
mosca asked me to fill in as a backup for the femslash06 ficathon. Of course, I jumped at the chance. I was given so many good options for pairings for this one. I was thrilled. And oddly enough, I've been having a serious thing for CJ Cregg and the whole situation of these final episodes of The West Wing. Plus? CJ/Carol is always a fun pairing to play around with, even with all of the angst that can happen…

I started writing this originally before seeing "Election Day, Part II." Got about 600 words written, too. And then it didn't feel right based on the episode itself. So it changed to what it is now. This was quite a trip to write, and I'm ever so glad I got the opportunity. Now I just hope my recipient likes it…

My apologies that it took this long to get this backup written. I wanted to make sure it sounded right…

Beta: ctorres

by A. Magiluna Stormwriter

( She sits there, staring at the television without really seeing it. )
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