Titel: Scenes Of A Setup
Author: Nina
Rating: light R
Pairing: Irina/Ruth, Katya/Peyton
Fandom: Alias & Spooks/MI-5
Disclaimer: Don’t own a thing.
A/N: For
katjanka. I'm sorry I made you wait. I'm even more sorry if this isn't what you had in mind. Thanks to
obsessive24 for the beta. You're awesome.
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Comments 9
Irina's voice in the first section is spot on, and although I can't judge whether Ruth's is or not, she's an engaging narrator nonetheless. And, above all, first and foremost, yay for Katya/Peyton, which I honestly didn't expect anyone to write!! That is fantastic.
Her mien expressionless, one could still hear the hidden smirk in her voice.
I love the word "mien" - it's an unexpected choice, and yet quite appropriate for Katya.
whose face was dark as night withholding a star
Also a lovely phrase.
Anyway, great work! Thanks so much! It was worth the wait. :)
Now I just hope you don't hate the one I wrote for you.
I've never seen Spooks, but I did a little research
If you want to, I can surely send you copies of the DVDs when I get home in September. It's a great show and I'm sure you'd enjoy it.
I currently only have internet at work (when we have electricity that is), so I'm looking forward to reading your story in my lunch break. I already saw the pairing and squeed so much my colleagues were startled. ;) So yeah... I will get back to you in a few hours about it. :)
In the meantime, thank you so much for your kind words.
I don't know Spooks (some people told me I should watch beacuse it's great, and this makes me want to watch it even more), so I can't comment on Ruth that much. All I can say is that I like the character.
And you wrote Katya/Peyton! I never even thought about that before. Aww, and Syd/Nadia.
Thank you. I don't know... it's probably one of the stories I'm most insecure about. So this means a lot.
Do you watch 'Spooks' btw? I always thought there should be more crossovers.
I think there should be more crossovers with Alias and DEBS personally!
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