Driving Lessons (RPS: Gina Torres/Katee Sackhoff)

Apr 04, 2006 22:37

Title: Driving Lessons
Author: Maren (marenfic)
Recipient: vandonovan
Fandom: RPS
Pairing: Gina Torres/Katee Sackhoff
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2128
Notes: One of the wildcard requests and my very first attempt at RPS, so be gentle. No not really-- all feedback including con crit welcome. Title inspired by the lovely Melissa Ferrick song, Drive. Thank you to callmesandy and mosca for not kicking me out when I said I couldn't post this until tonight. This is an awesome ficathon and you both have my thanks and admiration for running it.


Driving Lessons

The sharp edge of a chewed fingernail scrapes against the sensitive inner wall of her cunt and she bucks her hips off the bed in a futile attempt to get away from the shooting pain. The girl breaks their kiss to smile at her, triumphant, like her response had something to do with pleasure. She resists the urge to roll her eyes and grabs the girl’s wrist instead, guiding it away from her.

Fact is, things are moving too fast for her, she needs more finesse, more build up and it looks like she’s going to need to show the girl how to touch without bringing up memories of a gynecologist instead of a lover.

Gina doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing here but she does know one thing.

Baby needs a lesson in patience.


Gina was losing patience with the whole scene when the girl approached her table at the private bar the conference organizers had arranged for the talent at their upscale hotel.

Frankly she was tired of the Sci Fi con circuit, had been for a while now but her schedule was clear and it was a free trip to Tokyo so she said yes against her better judgment. Gina appreciated her fans and their support; most of the time interacting with them was even fun. But then sometimes it wasn’t and there seemed to be more and more every time she went to one of these things who didn’t quite realize that Gina Torres, actress, was not in fact a gun toting space cowboy with a penchant for calling men “Sir”.

She was ruminating over one such fan who’d been costumed as Wash and had tried to grope her during the signing when a fresh drink appeared in front of her.

“Hi. You look like you could use a refill.”

Gina looked up to see a girl with chin-length blonde hair giving her a wide, red-lipsticked smile. She was dressed in layered black tank-tops and a pair of low cut black pants, with a jean jacket slung folded over one arm. The pointed-toe high heels didn’t do much to take away from the tomboy attire; nor did the pronounced biceps evident above the bangle-bound wrists. The girl looked familiar and Gina tried to place her show, unsuccessfully. Her movie schedule had kept her too busy to pay much attention to the current crop.

She smiled back, close-mouthed, and nodded.

The girl held out her hand. “I’m Katee Sackhoff.”


“Wha. . .?” the girl protests as Gina threads her fingers with Katee’s and presses their hands to the fleshy curve of the girl’s hip. Gina shakes her head and smiles. . .

hush baby

. . . uses her leverage to push the girl on her back.

She jiggles a little as she settles, soft and lush in all the right places for all she looked boyish in those straight-line pants.

She giggles a little too, her mouth parting as she smiles wide, almost too wide to be strictly pretty but not quite. She’s got bright white teeth and even brighter eyes. . .

twinkle could call ships in from the sea

. . . that show every single thing that she’s feeling and right now the girl likes the turn of events.

It was definitely the eyes that did Gina in.


She could tell right away that Katee was attracted. Even if her body language wasn’t screaming look at me, her smoky eyes were drilling into Gina with the kind of attention that was reserved for animals who wanted to eat you and people who wanted to fuck you.

Gina wasn’t exactly surprised. Cons were notorious for hook-ups and back in her Cleo days Gina had actually looked forward to the events for that very reason. But it had been a while and she wasn’t as young and impulsive as she used to be. Marriage and a burgeoning mainstream career had made her more cautious. . . more to lose now than there used to be so it had been. . . a while.

Still, old habits die hard so when Katee smiled at her and let her eyes travel down Gina’s body, Gina looked right back. And when she asked if she could join her at the semi-circular booth, Gina said yes.

They bought two rounds and chatted. Katee was brash and a little loud in the way that young women who think of themselves as blunt can be, but Gina found her intriguing anyway.

When Katee edged so close to her that her right breast brushed up against Gina’s hand, well, that didn’t exactly surprise her either.

The girl’s nipples don’t so much pebble between Gina’s lips and fingers as they swell, thick and substantive like her own. Gina hums her approval around one and skims her palm over the other in smooth, measured movements. Katee’s fingers scrabble into Gina’s hair, kneading against her scalp as the girl murmurs something Gina can’t quite make out. Whatever it is, it isn’t no. . . . not with the way the girl’s pressing Gina’s head down and arching her chest up at the same time.

There’s a tightness in her own breasts, a fullness that aches and sends shivers. . .

quakes on the way, just keep it up

. . . down her spine when she brushes her own distended nipples against the ridges of the girl’s ribcage.

For the first time since she actually started considering doing this, Gina thinks maybe it was a good idea after all.

This is a bad idea, Gina thought as they continued to drink and talk and Katee continued to inch closer and closer.

It wasn’t just that she was married; she and Laurence had certain agreements and were happier for them. It was more that she had thought this part of her life was over, maybe that she had lost interest, definitely that she had more to lose if these activities became public knowledge.

But there was chemistry, definite attraction and Gina wasn’t entirely sure she had the willpower to turn this girl down. She twirled her wedding ring around on her finger with her thumb, and waited to see if Katee would take the hint and stop things for her.


The girl is slippery wet, pink and trembling and already so wide open that Gina could start with two fingers to the knuckle if she wanted, but this is a lesson in taking things slow so she rings the girl’s opening with the swipe of a single finger. Over and over, dipping in with shallow slips that become less and less shallow the harder the nipple that’s still in her mouth gets.

“Goddamn, what are you waiting for?” the girl whines. . .

Ooh, you took a wrong turn there baby

. . . then whimpers as Gina lets her finger retreat. She moves back up Katee’s body with fluid movement and kisses her, tangles their tongues for a brief moment before moving her lips to lily white skin of the girl’s neck. Gina gently places her finger on the girl’s slightly parted lips and rings them instead.

She gasps, then laughs when Katee sucks the finger into her mouth and licks it clean with strong undulations of her tongue.

Girl’s incorrigible, that’s what she is.

Gina excused herself to go to the ladies room, alone, but Katee either didn’t take the hint or she was just that relentless. Either way, Gina found herself in the small two-stall restroom with a girl who’d been eye fucking her all night and it wasn’t such a disappointment that she wasn’t alone.

Gina checked her profile in the mirror, smoothing the silk of her dress over the curve of her ass even though she already knew there wouldn’t be any lines there. She felt the weight of Katee’s stare and it made her blood simmer, so when she looked into the mirror to reapply her gloss, Gina met Katee’s gaze with some weight of her own.

“You’ve got some stray lipstick . . . here, let me,” Katee said in a husky voice when Gina turned around to face her again. It was such a thin pretext but Gina suddenly didn’t care.

One thumb, brushed against her bottom lip, was all it took to ignite the promised fire.


Two fingers, finally, now three. Knuckle deep, easy, just like Gina thought and she’s working her hard with firm strokes in just the right spot. Her other hand is moving in circles over Katee’s clit, the pads of her fingers wet and slippery and sliding just right she’s guessing.

The girl’s chest is flushed a beautiful shade of rose and the pulse in her neck is fluttering, blood flowing hard now and her breath is keeping pace. Gina has to admit she’s not far behind.

“Fuck . . . that feels . . . fuck.”

It’s called a manicure baby

But Gina’s not so worried about that anymore, not about scraped tissue or clumsy too-fast fingers because the pressured ache she’s feeling now is all about pleasure, and want.

Katee’s hips pressed Gina into the sink vanity, her breasts pressed against Gina’s breasts, and their lips had only parted briefly now and again to press kisses to chin, neck, ear.

“Fuck I want you,” Katee breathed into her ear, hot breath that sent incongruous chills down Gina’s spine. She reached up and grabbed the girl’s chin, tilting it up until their lips could mesh again. Gina hadn’t planned on this but it felt good and . . . . why not?

She asked Katee where her room was, because she might have actually been considering fucking the girl but there was no way in hell Gina was going to do it in a restroom in a hotel bar. It probably wasn’t the best decision she’d ever made but right then, with Katee’s hand skimming up her thigh under her dress, she felt like saying yes.

Things sped up quickly then, just a short trip to the elevator, then inside where Katee backed her up against the wall and pressed into her as their mouths clashed. They pulled apart just before the doors opened but there was no one on the other side, no one to see Gina quickly follow the girl into her hotel room.

The speed at which she comes is amazing. . .

rumbling through her like a freight train, go baby go

. . . a hitch of her breath that coincides with her hips grinding to a halt and then she’s full out gone, in the throes and the girl isn’t quiet about it. Her mouth is wet and wide again, bright eyes lidded and Gina watches, wide and wet herself, as every muscle in Katee’s athletic body goes rigid in a crashing wave. She can feel it from the inside and see it from the outside and she sure as hell can hear it.

It’s a goddamn show, couldn’t tear her eyes away if she wanted to and Gina thinks maybe she’s in the presence of greatness after all.


Gina began to regret it almost the second her cream silk puddled on the floor, but it was a little late now that the girl was slithering out of her pants as she sucked at Gina’s neck. It wasn’t that it didn’t feel good, because it did, but it just didn’t feel great.

Gina had been called regal, reserved, smooth, classy . . . she had never been called fast. Katee was the opposite, still so young, just a baby really and if she attacked her career the way she was attacking Gina right then, she just might be a star some day. Now though, it was a little too much, a little too forced, urgent hands and kisses that were driving her to the bed and down onto the soft sheets before her body had entirely caught up with Katee’s.

“Your turn,” the girl says, still panting from the force of that freight train, but the grin is back and she’s rolling Gina over with a deep kiss that starts on her mouth and quickly goes south.

That obscene mouth is on her, sucking her in whole and in pieces at the same time, those fingers holding her open and the chewed fingernails don’t matter at all anymore. Gina thinks the girl must have meant it was her turn to be schooled because what Katee’s tongue is doing to her is a lesson in what it takes to lose control, fast.

Fuck, baby, slow down I’m not gonna last. . .

And then Gina doesn’t think at all.

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