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Dec 06, 2010 09:33

Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy
This morning I did lots of eavesdropping. The subway was really full, but there were these really cool girls (teenagers, I can't believe I am really 10 years older than them) and I loved listening to their conversation. When they got on, one of them saw I was reading Prince Caspian and said, "You know what book I really want to read? Not Prince Caspian, the other one, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, it's the only one I haven't read." Seriously? These were girls after my own heart. They were unpretentious, talked about things like swim team, band class, the differences between Katy Perry and Lady GaGa (GaGa won them over because she can actually sing and went to school for music) and just generally seemed like ladies I would've liked to've hung out with. So not going to happen as I am a dumpy late-twentysomething who has trouble having a shower on a Monday morning, but it was really refreshing.

This weekend was long and short and hard. Friday we got up really early to go to Sounds of the Season which was great, but left me wiped out all day and then I couldn't go to a friend's housewarming on Friday night (there's no way I would've had comprehensible conversation). Saturday was breakfast, a funeral and H's work Christmas gathering, the first of which was lovely, the second of which was really hard and the last of which was pretty horrendous but I was actually pretty chatty, more so than H, which is really weird. And yesterday H went to church so I had 2 hours of organizing and had B over and we powered through a bunch of stuff. Didn't tell H about B coming over as she's had some issues with that in the past, but I was really grateful she was there. I can see the floor in the dining room now! We have a mostly cleared dining room table! Things I thought were somewhat incomprehensible.

This week is BUSY. Tomorrow is my book circle's dinner, Wednesday I'm out with SJ and KC, and Thursday is my birthday dinner with family (not that I'm doing birthday anything with friends, but I thought the differentiation was important--but I'm up for doing birthday things with friends! It's just been such a long time since those kinds of things have happened!).

On my 50 books this year quest I am falling drastically behind! I need to have read 49 books by the end of this week and today, finishing Prince Caspian, I am only at 44. Luckily I have an audiobook I will listen to today at work and hope I can get through a decent portion of it (it's 13 discs! and I'm only on disc 5! and it's intense! Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden), but I also have to ramp up my reading the next 3 weeks.

I cannot believe 2010 is coming and going so quickly. I realize I'm reaching that point in my life where years just come and go, but it still is too quick, even for a year that was so shitty. Sure there were some highlights, and truthfully I am glad to see this year over, but it seems like just yesterday that we were in January. I am leaving 2010 pretty close to where I started it: no permanent full-time job, no real sense of where I am going, fat (and hating it), still writing melancholy posts that make me feel like I shouldn't really be on lj writing them. Although I am definitely more broke than when I started this year. Oh well! 
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