I hate discussing religion because all religion is, is an intrepretation of the individual reading it. I find it very hard to believe that God would make gays, only to turn his back on them and say it's wrong and that they're going to hell. Why condemn someone for loving another person regardless of gender? Why make yourself into something your not because a book tells you that's what's right? Why make yourself miserable being with someone that doesn't make you happy? I've played off the straight game ok....and let me tell you, I NEVER felt comfortable. Be who you are, love who you are, and to Hell with what everyone else thinks or says. It's your life, not theirs.
you are so right there was alot more to the convo but that basically the best part she honestly thinks that i wont ever be happy being a lesbian well she dont see that im not happy cause i got hurt not cause im gay cause if it wasnt for j**** then you know it would of been someone else
wow, all i can say is... i'm catholic, i've dated guys up to last year but i was uncomfrontable with them and the only reason i continue dating guys was because i am catholic and i'm very athletic and i dont want my teammates to think of be different, but this year icould careless who finds out im sick of hiding, i alreadu came out to my parents and soon i will start coming out to my friends, i'm in my first serious girl relationship and i love it. I still pray and god is still a part of my life.What im trying to say is you cant help who you love.I dont think it should matter, who you love or your race or your religion. All that should matter is the love in the relationship and if both people in the relationship are being honest with each other. Times are changing, and people need to start being more understanding... idk thats my thoughts on it, you should still be respectful of her sister but dont stop loving who you love because of what other people say. In a relationship you should love someone because you love tehm, not because
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i truely do respect my ex's sister she has help me through many rough times my girl wasnt around for. she took my side many times and i could always depend on her to listen to me when i feel messed up inside. but she just cant sse her sister hurting me she is christen and believes in it very much. she loves her sister but still everytime she get the chance she will tell us what she believe witch could be hard for some people.
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