Femmeslash Big Bang Rules

Sep 01, 2011 11:53

Welcome to the Femmeslash Big Bang
We here are the Femmeslash Big Bang believe that you can never have enough femmeslash. And what do you do in that situation? Why you create a big bang of course. ;) We want you to write a fic of at least 20,000 words about any Femmeslash pairing that you can think of.

General Rules

What is a Big Bang?

A Big Bang is a challenge that combines long fiction and artwork that corresponds with it. Specific to our Big Bang, writers write a story that is at least 20,000 words and after they have a rough draft, artists claim the story and draw a piece of corresponding art.

Sounds great. How do I sign up?

There are posts for signing up to be a writer, an artist, and a cheerleader or beta. You may sign up for one or for all but please don't sign up to do something you know you can't do.

I dunno... How long do I have?

Writers will have about three months to write and artists will have about two months to draw. Here is the official timeline:
September 1 - Sign-Ups Open
October 1 - Author Sign-Ups Close
December 10- Author Drafts Due
December 15 - Artist Claiming
February 10 - All Due
February 14 - Archive Goes Live

Can I post it to my journal before you post it?

No. We must ask that all stories remain under wraps until the stories have been posted here.

Writer's Specific Rules

So what can I write?

You can write any femmeslash pairing that you want to write about. This includes RPF, crossovers, original fiction, and changing the gender of a male character in fandom. Please note: If you change a male character, they must be a female throughout your entire fic. There can be slash or het pairings in the background but your focus must be on a femmeslash pairing.

What are the requirements for my story?

Your story must be 20,000 words or more and must be beta-read before posted. It must be about a femmeslash pairing.

Can I write more than one story to reach 20,000 words?

Yes. As long as the stories are related in some way such as a prequel and a main story or something like that.

So what if I have a story that I've already started that I want to use?

You can use it if it has never been posted online and there are fewer than 5,000 words already written.

Can I write with somebody else?

Yes, you may have a co-writer but the word count for a co-written fic is a 25,000 words.

What if I don't like my art?

Get over it. Your artist worked hard to make art. Even if it isn't your favorite, they worked hard for you and you should say thank you. I'm sorry if that happens.

Artist Specific Rules

What if I don't like the story that I'm drawing for?

You will be able to choose a story based on summaries that are posted to the community on December 15. Unfortunately, that is the story that you chose. If it really bothers you, you can contact the mod and we will try to switch it.

What kind of art should it be?

Your art can be anything that you wish it, digital, hand-drawn, photo manipulations, or a soundtrack/mix. However, it must have had some work put into it. A 5 minute paint drawing will not suffice.

How much art do I have to make?

You will be required to make 2 pieces of art for every story that you claim.


September 1 - Sign-Ups Open
October 1 - Author Sign-Ups Close
December 10- Author Drafts Due
December 15 - Artist Claiming
February 10 - All Due
February 14 - Archive Goes Live

What do I need to have for my draft?

The author rough draft is just that: a rough draft. You will be required to have 15,000 words written and a good summary of what happens next. It should be essentially completed. It does not have to be beta read or finely polished. It is just something to give the artists so that they have a good idea of the story and so that they can find something they want to draw.

What if I need an extra few days?

Extensions will be granted on a case by case basis. You may contact a mod if you think that you will need an extension.


We really just want to make this fun for everybody. If we missed anything or you have any questions, you can drop the mod account a pm or comment here. Comments are screened.

!rules, !mod post

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