Application to C&C

Jul 15, 2009 16:29

JOURNAL: zendequervain
IM: AIM: ZenobiaDeQue
E-MAIL: zendequervain at gmail dot com

FANDOM: Transformers: Animated
CHRONOLOGY: End of the show! The Autobots just went back to Cybertron.

Detroit, MI is where Transformers: Animated is based. The autobots have been living there and breaking everything help fight crime and avert disasters and stuff. The only problem is that Decepticons have showed up to crash the party. It started with Blitzwing and Lugnut, then Blackarachnia. Megatron was pretty much offline for 50 years, his head in Isaac Sumdac's lab, but was revived and his body rebuilt with the use of Sari's (deus ex machina) key. The city's been half destroyed a few times, with all the giant robots fighting all over the place and all, but the rest of the country doesn't seem to realize it and doesn't have any issues. There's also a volcanic sort of island in the middle of Lake Erie, where the Dinobots live (and also where Meltdown and later Blackarachnica were based). Exciting, isn't it?

Slipstream is a clone of Starscream. She retains all of his memories prior to being created, and knows about all of his utterly failed attempts to slag Megatron once and for all. In his base on the MOON, he created her from a protoform and a piece of the allspark fragment stuck in his head. She and the other four clones made at the same time represent different aspects of his personality (the others are Liar, Egomaniac, Coward, and Suck up). When Starscream asked her what side of him she represented (with more than a little flirting in his voice), the answer was "don't ask." From the very beginning, she took great pleasure in criticizing the original, and questioned his tactics/intelligence/everything whenever the opportunity arose. 1, because it's fun, and 2, because he's an idiot.

Shortly after her creation, she, Starscream, and the other clones got into a fight with Megatron and the Autobots over the space bridge that Megatron forced Bulkhead to build. During the fight, Starscream lost his head (literally) and had his body stolen by Isaac Sumdac in the Headmaster unit. Megatron knocked the unit off, and Starscream's body fell on top of his head. It was at this point that the remaining three clones (Vain ((Thundercracker)) and Coward ((Skywarp)) clones had been knocked through the space bridge portal with Blurr) abandoned him and pledged themselves to Megatron, with Slipstream declaring that 'any leader has to be an improvement over you!'

Meanwhile, Ratchet and Sari had fixed the ship that had previously crashed in the side of the mountain, and brought it to draw off the Decepticons and save the Autobots (who'd gotten their afts handed to them). Megatron sent the clones, Blitzwing, and Lugnut to take care of the Autobot ship, which transformed into Omega Supreme and blew them all away. Her strategy of attacking Omega Supreme's legs would likely have been successful if not for his overwhelming firepower.

Instead of returning to Megatron's side after the beat down, Slipstream went into hiding on Earth and wasn't seen again until she mistook Optimus Prime for Starscream when he was testing out his brand new jetpack mod (part 1 of the finale). After shooting him down, she realized her mistake and fled, managing to end up as the only active "real" Decepticon loose on Earth (although one could speculate that she died when Prowl was pulling Allspark fragments to him - the constructicons would've had to die at the same time if that's the case, but there was no mention of it). It appears that she decided to stick it out on her own and stay out of the faction wars entirely.

PERSONALITY: As stated previously, Slipscream is a clone of Starscream, made flesh, so to speak, by the power of the Allspark. She retains all of his memories prior to the cloning, and thoroughly enjoys using them against him whenever possible. Since it was never revealed just which aspect of Starscream's personality she represents, there is a lot of speculation. I believe she is the 'Smart' one, though she could be argued as the 'Bitch' one also. Not mutually exclusive.

She is just as intelligent (possibly more, even) as the original (though his intelligence is often debatable. Or perhaps just his common sense?), but less prideful (though she would probably call herself a better version of him, just without the ego that gets in the way of all of his plans and the lying the sucking up and the cowardice. Oh, and prettier too), and still ambitious, though what exactly her ambition is for remains a mystery. She was quick to betray her maker when Megatron proved victorious, but that could be out of pragmatism (since Megsy probably would've slagged her if she hadn't). She was the first to work out that the clones were aspects of his personality, and displayed fast tactical thinking in the battles with Megatron and Omega Supreme.

Slipstream is also a good fighter, as skilled as her creator (who is depicted as a powerful warrior that nearly took out all of the Autobots on Earth by himself, though his later, comical fighting against Megatron belies this - could be because Megatron is supposed to be godlike). She doesn't seem to have an opinion on whether or not she really enjoys the fighting, but her mind is quick in battle.

CLASS: Villain, technically. I don't know how much villain-ing she'll do. Whether or not she joins the 'Con party depends on how much of an afthole Starscream is to her, honestly.
ALTER EGO: Slipstream.
POWER: Slipstream has the same powers as TF:A Starscream.

She flies very, very fast, though her now-human body cannot handle the top speeds, just like C&C Starscream's. Her flying leaves a trail of purple, shooting from her feet. Additionally, she shoots lasers from her hands. Lots of lasers. Pew pew pew pew pew.

For a non-canon power, and this was Ryuu's idea actually (she gives full permission - we had a nice convo about it), Slipstream's existence as a clone of Starscream produces interesting results, especially when mixed with the Porter's hideous sense of humor. She'll have some telepathy with him and him alone. If they're within a mile of each other, she'll be able to read his surface thoughts. If they're in the same room, it'll be reciprocal, and if they're physically touching they may be able to reach deeper. This makes for potential hideousness and amusement, and she'll need to learn to control it and/or turn it off.

She's also very agile and good at aerial and hand to hand combat (er, servo to servo combat), though these are not a power and more like simple combat expertise.

COMMUNITY POST SAMPLE:Well, well, well. Isn't this just a barrel of space barnacles. I still don't quite understand how you people can be satisfied with these organic bodies, but it doesn't look like I have a choice. Figures.

So here is a question for you, fleshbagspeople. I know you don't refuel using Energon, but eat something called food instead. What do you recommend, and where can I get it? I believe I am, what's the word, hungry. Yes, that.

I still blame you, Starscream, even though you're not the one I know. This is somehow his fault, therefore yours. It has to be. End of history byte.

THIRD PERSON: Slipstream looked at herself in the small bathroom mirror and scowled, watching the way her skin moved over contracting muscles. Next, eyebrow raise. Interesting, how the eyebrows seemed to denote different emotions simply by how they were moved about. Up, like that, seemed to signify surprise. One raised, curiosity. Both down, anger. Last, a smile. That's what it was called, right? Her lips pulled back, baring the teeth, but she couldn't tell if it was an actual smile or something else. Either way, she had to admit that the contractile movements were rather fascinating. Though not something she'd ever wanted to experience for herself. Still didn't, but there wasn't much she could do about it for the time being.

Hmph. It was really twisting her gearshaft, how she'd have to follow Starscream of all 'bots if she wanted to be part of the Decepticons here. He wasn't the same Starscream as hers, but the 'screaminess transcended universes, didn't it? How could he be anything but the same? Granted, he was doing a much better job at leading than her creator had, as far as she could tell, but surely he had the same faults. The same traits that had spawned her and the others. Some part of her found him intriguing. The differences, the similarities. Well, she could always do as she always would - betray him when a better leader came along. Yes, that would do nicely, wouldn't it? It would have to.

With a little shrug, the femme picked up the comb that was sitting on the side of the sink. It seemed to be an instrument to arrange one's hair. Fortunately she didn't have too much of it, comparatively speaking, but it would be nice keep it orderly. She dragged the tines through the messy strands roughly.

"Augh, slag it!" The comb caught a snarl unexpectedly; she tore it out and flung the offending piece of plastic against the wall. Slagging organics and their hair and stupid faces and expressions and GAH! Why couldn't she just be back in her own body!
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