Hello, my darlings, it's 11:00 at night and I just posted
chapter 7 of
Lost In Your Arms to AO3, for those of you following along with the WIP. I have 3 chapters left, so I think the last one will go up around May 18 or so. This chapter ended up being 31K. Written in one week. Like seriously, I go to work and I write, and sometimes I even write at work if I can manage it because I am obsessed with writing this fic. And it's made me fall so much more deeply in love with Harry and Draco as I go along. Like fiercely, wickedly, intensely in love with them and their stupid faces and their idiotic relationship. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH OH MY GOD.
*breathes into paper bag*
noeon and
sassy_cissa dragged my ass through this goddamned chapter this week, and I love them for it too. <3
The next two weeks are going to be wild for me; my job involves a lot of academic testing, and the fucking College Board scheduled the APs for the first two weeks of May with a goddamn SAT on the Saturday in between, so basically these are my two weeks from hell with extra bonus added overtime (yay money, boo exhaustion), and I'm already tired and cranky from prepping this week for them. UGH. The College Board is the bane of my existence. Meh. I intend to sit in every single AP/SAT I have to proctor and write Harry/Draco porn because fuck but that's the only way I'm going to be able to survive without stabbing someone in the eye. Probably a teenager with a stupid question. Which tends to be frowned upon. By mid-May, I'll probably be channeling Snape, but I'm kind of okay with that. Let's hope my wife doesn't have to do a GoFundMe to pay for my bail, though.
Must fall into sleep now. My eyes are crossed from peering at a screen for the past six hours editing, but ZOMG, I posted. Which is all I needed to do. \0/
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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