Day 10
In your own space, share your love for a trope, cliché, kink, motif, or theme. (More than one is okay, too.) Tell us about it, tell us why you love it, give us some examples and recs.
I'm not really a kinky person, tbh. I'm terribly, boringly vanilla across the board. But I do have one ironclad, will-read-in-almost-any-pairing kink. Adultery fic.
I don't care if the pairing is cheating other people to be together or cheating on each other--even if it's my OTP. I will read that story. Whether or not it has sex in it. Whether or not it has other kinks in it that I don't care about. If there is adultery or cheating, I am there for it. Het, slash, both het-and-slash, it doesn't matter.
For me, my infidelity kink is less about the sexual aspects of it (although when well-written, those are quite nice). I love the psychological examination of cheating in stories. I think anyone can be a cheater, when placed in circumstances or moments that might lead one to that betrayal, no matter how we might protest we'd never. We're human beings. Anything's possible. And I'm intrigued by how people get to that choice, by what affect that decision has on them and on the relationships, romantic or otherwise, around them. Add in someone like Harry Potter, who we all want to see as a noble, moral character who we want to think could never hurt someone that way, and well. That's a story dynamic made for me. I want to know what (or who) might bring Harry to that place.
Infidelity stories intrigue me specifically because of the moral quandry. They're not just erotica; they're an examination of human nature and how we can deceive ourselves and others. A well-done adultery fic problematizes those choices, even as it's eroticizing them. That conflict, not only between the characters but also in our own consciences as readers, is amazing. I always feel a little dirty reading adultery fic and I like it that way. I want to feel a bit uncomfortable with it; I want to be pushed and pulled and find myself questioning whether or not I agree with the choices made by those characters. I suppose it's not that strange that I'd be fascinated by the morality of adultery. My favourite characters have always been the ones who are morally ambiguous, who live in those shadowlands of questionable choices.
As far as recs go, if you're interested in adultery fic you should check out
hp_unfaithful. There are really intriguing fics there that explore the ways in which lovers can cheat on each other and it's usually my first resource when I want to find a fic that tackles that theme. The first adultery fic I ever fell for (and which I still read) is
Stregati by Ely_Baby. It's Harry/Hermione, which is not usually a pairing I would go for, but it's oddly beautiful in this fic. Harry goes with Hermione to a conference in Venice and, well, the city's magic takes over.
On that note, I think I'll go curl up with some infidelity fic and read myself to sleep.
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