Today is a day for loud, loud music and open windows.

Apr 16, 2012 11:25

Last night I filed my taxes, my FAFSA and my application for financial aid for next year. Now I get to wait until June to find out if I get to keep my scholarship/grant money. *bites fingernails to nub* Also, in the crazy hopes of actually being able to pay my share of the rent during this stipendless summer, I'm starting a search to get some sort of part-time job lined up that won't conflict with the eight weeks I'll be in a summer language program taking a year's worth of medieval Church Latin. (It was that or New Testament Greek, which I would prefer to avoid at the moment in favour of not tanking my GPA.)

*breathes into paper bag*

And I'm about to buckle down into my frantic four weeks of end-of-term paper writing today. I will be so glad when May 11 comes and I'm done-done-done for the semester. So if you don't hear from me much before then, rest assured I'm elbow deep in writing and probably having a small nervous breakdown in the process. (I may have started hyperventilating last night in the parking lot of Trader Joe's, thus necessitating noeon shoving an entire bar of dark chocolate with peanuts in my face. I'm not gonna lie, it helped. Briefly.)

Anyway, long story short, I have some fics to finish, papers to write, research to slog through, panic attacks to avoid, and dull books to keep from falling asleep over. Which I need to get back to now. *cries* Today's reading involves finishing up Emmanuel Levinas's Ethics and Infinity, Marilynne Robinson's Home, T.M. Luhrmann's Persuasions of the Witch's Craft, and delving back into at least Ancient Christian Magic and Sacred Images and Sacred Power in Byzantium for my magical texts paper which is due in 8 days OH MY GOD. *cracks knuckles and eyes stack of books in dismay*

One month to go. One month to go. One month to go. I can do this. I think.


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rl: death and taxes, rl: grad school

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