Oh you guys. The hearts. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. I have had an insane Mon/Tues this week because of a plethora of schoolwork that fell on me all at once, making me crazy-busy and more than frantic at moments and not a tiny bit glum, and I cannot even begin to tell you how much those wonderful glass hearts brightened those two days. Each and everyone of you is a treasure. *snugs you* Thank you, seriously.
Also, evidently I am not getting LJ comment notifications. >:( I don't know if it's LJ or gmail--it could be either. Sigh.
Anyway. Two fannish heads-ups:
1) The prompt claiming time for the
harrydracompreg fest is almost over! Seriously, you guys, if you've been on the fence about signing up, you should totally go do it ASAP. Fics aren't due until April 29 (my birthday! Woot!) and there's only a 1500-word minimum for fic. Some really cool prompts are still available--including two of mine, and I think someone really needs to go in and pick those. *bats eyelashes prettily* :D :D :D :D :D So what are you waiting for? Hop down off that fence and
CLAIM PROMPTS. Do it for the boys. You know Harry wants to be a dad. And really, bitchy, pregnant Draco is FTW. I AM JUST SAYING.
2) There are two weeks left to submit slashy and erotic programming for Ascendio. Er. I mean programming. *looks shifty* Shut up, I want some slashy and erotic panels in the program book, dammit. So yes. If you want to talk about slash and femmeslash and erotica at an HPEF con, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. We've got some great panels that have been submitted, but I want more. Come to Orlando and talk to us! In particular, I'm VERY interested in seeing some panels and workshops on writing slash and erotica in fandom for our
Quill Track, so if you've got some tips and advice on writing fanfic, please, please, please
submit your ideas by February 29.
And on that note, as I run to get dressed for my afternoon class in the possibly vain hope that I don't actually miss the bus this time and have to call a cab, I leave you with this awesome, awesome thought:
AND THIS IS JUST TO START. \0/ \0/ \0/ What are you waiting for?
COME SLASH WITH US. *smooches*
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