Fic Repost: The Silent World Within You (HP, Harry/Draco, NC-17)

Jul 09, 2011 15:07

Now that harrydracompreg reveals are up, noeon and I can reveal that we wrote The Silent World Within You for the mpreg fest. (AHAHAHAH, like everyone didn't figure out it was us…I'm looking at you, Treacle. LOL.)

So yes. This is the monster collaboration that I referred to recently. It ended up being 96,000 words and it's the longest thing either of us has written. And before you run screaming, neither of us consider it that much of an mpreg story (particularly since it takes you about 40K to find out Harry's pregers, LOL). For us, it was more of an exploration of Harry and Draco and how they could fall in love in an 8th year setting where Harry was a student and Draco had been sentenced to probationary work with Hagrid. nursedarry specifically requested in her prompt that we focus less on the bodily changes in pregnancy and more on what the reactions and emotions were for both the boys and the people around them, so you'll find not so much mpreginess here as you will romance. Or so we hope, at least. :)

The story originally started out as one I was working on alone, but when I got 25K into it and realized no, it wasn't going to be the nice little 30-40K story I'd thought it'd be, Noe graciously agreed to come on as my co-writer for the last what-turned-out-to-be three-fourths of the fic. We'd assumed it would end up around 60K. Oh, how wrong we were. We finished it literally the day before it was supposed to post, and we both have to give major shout-outs to absynthedrinker and wemyss for taking on beta duties AS WE WERE WRITING. *smooches them both* The mods of harrydracompreg also deserve a huge round of hugs for putting up with our tardiness, especially sassy_cissa who dealt with email after email from us complaining that we still weren't done yet. Also we need to thank nursedarry for starting this all with a wonderful prompt that grabbed me and wouldn't let go before it infected Noe as well. And, speaking of, I have to give so much love and adoration to Noe because without her this fic would not exist. She is an incredible co-writer and pretty much the other half of my brain. The amount we were in sync while writing is a bit terrifying, really. :D

We're both ridiculously proud of this story, and we both think it's the story we both love the most out of all we've written so far. The universe here is one that we utterly adore--so much in fact that we've got (at least!) another three fics being plotted as we speak, that tell the story of how Harry and Draco's relationship develops over the years. There may be a bit of fluff and a smidgeon of angst bubbling away. *looks mischievous*

Again, I know mpreg is something that makes people skittish at times, and 96K of fic can be a lot to work through. Still, I do hope you'll give it a try; it really is a love story above all else.

Title: The Silent World Within You
Authors: femmequixotic and noeon
Summary: Harry only wanted Malfoy for one night, one birthday. It wasn’t meant to be anything more.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Mpreg, pregnant!Harry, EWE, 8th year
Word Count: ~96,000
Written for: The 2011 harrydracompreg fest for nursedarry's prompt of a one-off (or very rare and on/off, in-denial-about-it-relationship at school (AU 7th or EWE 8th year) results in one (or both!) of them pregnant. How do they each find out? How do the teachers find out? Their friends, the other students? I would like this all about how they come to terms with the situation and less about their changing body(ies) and how they'll cope in the future.
Author's Notes: We owe a huge debt of gratitude to absynthedrinker and wemyss for being fantastic betas, willing to tackle this monster, not to mention how thankful we are to the mods for their forbearance and patience as we broke deadline after deadline, realising that we weren’t done yet. Also, halfway through writing this fic, we discovered another Harry/Draco that also began with Draco serving a probation with Hagrid post-war. All similarities are completely unintentional, but we loved oldenuf2nb's fic so much that we’d like to make sure everyone goes and reads it too: you can find Rising from The Ashes on The Hex Files or on Livejournal.

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fic: mpreg, fic: pdf, fandom: hp, fic, fest: harrydracompreg, fic: slash, fic: fest repost, pairings: harry/draco

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