So I whacked my hair this weekend, and it went from a fairly sedate shoulder-length angled bob to mid-ear and kind of spiky/shaggy/edgy/punky, yet oddly girly. Everyone and their mother commented positively on it today. Including the guy at Qdoba who flirts with me when I go in--he pronounced it hot. Hm. Perhaps I should have shorn the locks earlier.
No purple streak yet, though, since my stylist didn't have any purple dye when I went in. However, she is thrilled about the idea and is going to stock some so when I come in for a trim in a few weeks we can streak away. \0/
Oh, and thank you to
frayachfor the PUPPY v-gift. OMG, those eyes. *snugs* You're fantastic, dear.
Memeage now, and I blame this on
wemyss who posted this on his journal on a day when I'm procrastinating from the writing I really ought to be doing. :D
1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.
wemyss gave me the letter M, and of course my ability to limit myself to five songs is NIL, so you're getting TEN. Well. Nine and then an extra. Along with my thoughts on the songs because I'm incapable of not blathering on about them, evidently.
1. Magpie to the Morning by Neko Case Yes, I totally ripped the title of
Says the Magpie to the Morning (Sorrow, Take Your Own Advice) from this song. I discovered Magpie to the Morning in the middle of writing Magpie when my iPod decided to shuffle to it one afternoon when I was frantically working on a scene.
noeon and I were meeting up for tea that evening, and I forced her to listen to it, flailing the entire time at her, and when she was finished, she looked at me and said you've found your title. :D
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2. Make The World Go Away by Eddy Arnold My father was an enormous Eddy Arnold fan. I grew up with Eddy playing in the background, and this was one of Daddy's favourites. The week after he died, I was driving his car and this came up on my iPod. I started crying so hard I had to pull over to the side of the road. It still makes me ache for him.
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3. Mandy by Barry Manilow Shut up. I love this song and have since I was a kid. (I am a child of the 70s, yes.) I literally have to sing along if it starts playing anywhere near me. I have been known to break into singing it on the T if it comes up on my iPod.
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4. Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers Because, dude. It's Tom Petty. What else do you need?
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5. Massachusetts by the Bee Gees Mock all you want. The Bee Gees kick ass. As does Massachusetts. \0/
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6. Midnight Train to Georgia by Gladys Knight and the Pips I defy you not to dance with the Pips. IT CANNOT BE DONE.
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7. Moondance by Van Morrison I love the Moondance album. It was my first introduction to Van the Man thanks to a friend, and Van's come to mean so much to me over the years that one of my three tattoos is actually one that says moondance because of this album. I cannot imagine not having his music in my life. It's soothed me, it's comforted me, and it's helped form who I am.
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8. Mothers of the Disappeared by U2 Oh, God. My high school years were so wrapped around Joshua Tree--it came out just before I turned 15. Still an amazing album and this is still such an amazing song.
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9. My Valentine by Rhett Miller Yeah, like there wasn't going to be a Rhett song on here. :D This is the song that I pulled the title of my flist (love in the asylum is a beautiful thing) from. I was actually standing right next to the videographer of this video (
djinnj and it includes not only My Valentine but Salome, one of my favourite Old 97's songs. There is a possibility you can hear me singing. /0\
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10. Champaign, Illinois by the Old 97's Not an M song, but I think I've met that quota. This is my favourite song from the new Old 97's album--a rewrite of my absolute favourite Dylan song, Desolation Row.
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