So this week I might have been a little more anxious than usual, and I may have been going on ad nauseam talking about really wanting a certain little whiny git about lately. *looks shifty* And, well...
djinnj wrote me
a wee bit of Harry/Draco. With Doritos. And fingersucking. GAH. AND DID I MENTION THE DORITOS? I DID? Okay, good. 'Cause, you know. DORITOS.
dramedy drew me Draco. With A CUPCAKE. For MEEEEE. *FLAILS* He made me a cupcake. *ADORES*
I have sparklyhearts in my eyes right now. \0/ \0/ I love my friends. I really do.
I am ridiculously easy to cheer up, really...just throw Draco Malfoy at me and I squee. *g*