What I want to know is who is he bigaming?

Dec 26, 2007 10:27

I read Wired.com religiously--it's part of my morning ritual at work. I brew a cup of tea, skim through CNN.com and BBC News to make sure the world hasn't ended, and then I hit up Wired and its plethora of blogs.

One of my favourites is Alt Text because Lore Sjöberg is deliciously cranky. Today's column contains his annual predictions for 2008 which included this gem that made me spew tea over my monitor:

With the Harry Potter hoopla dying down in the wake of the final book, J.K. Rowling agrees to keep interest up for the last two movies by releasing more tidbits along the lines of "Dumbledore is gay," only more scandalous. However, for some reason, all of her revelations have to do with the Sorting Hat, who we learn is a bigamist with a tragic Scotchgard addiction and a fetish for leather hatbands who once visited Thailand to procure the services of an underage sunbonnet.

My first thought was dude, you are so right and this is why I've said bollocks to paying any attention to any interview by JKR from now on out, and my second was OH MY GOD SOMEONE IN FANDOM SHOULD WRITE THAT.


Poll Sorting Hat

Also, I appear to be writing Snarry today. Huh. CORDELIA, I'M STILL BLAMING YOU EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT YOUR FIC.

fandom: hp

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