I probably should not be as amused by this as I am. Neverthless.

Nov 21, 2007 13:30

From icecreamhdaches...

As you may have seen in our most recent concerts, we've changed the staging and visuals. We were using Where The Wild Things Are and, unintentionally, infringed on the rights of Maurice Sendak, the author of this timeless classic. We have great respect and affection for his book and it was our intent only to pay homage to it, not to infringe any rights. FOB sincerely apologizes to Maurice Sendak for using images from Where The Wild Things Are in our concerts and elsewhere without authorization.

Oh, boys. Oh, boys. *tries not to laugh* This is where being in media fandom would have helped you. So much. Oh my God.

I'd assumed they GOT PERMISSION to use Sendak's art since the tour=for profit endeavor that wouldn't fall under fair use or the grey area that fanworks fall into.

But...evidently...they didn't?

*stifles inappropriate laughter*

I just. Oh, boys. I love you for being so clueless. I do. OMG I love you so much. But shouldn't someone at the management level have pointed this out when the tour was being planned? Shouldn't whomever produced the graphics have realized? *facepalms* Shouldn't someone along the line have said, hey, yeah, did we get the legal approval for using these images since we're asking for money?

I'm having one of those weirdly surreal moments when I realize that because of my participation in fandom my understanding of trademark/copyright law and its grey areas is a bit higher than the average Joe....

fandom: bandslash: fob, fandom: bandslash

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