Still in a somwehat pissy mood after my terrible, horrible, no-good,. very bad (God, so very bad) day. So in the attempt to keep myself from going into a high dudgeon the likes of which only Severus Snape (or Pete Wentz, it seems) could comprehend...I threw myself entirely into Rhett Miller tonight. It helped. I'm not as viciously pissy as I was.
(The world breathes a sigh of relief but still takes one large step away from Femme at the moment.)
Rhett's one of those artists that just makes me feel better. I love his solo work; I love the Old 97's. Someday I'm going to write RPS with him. *ignores the wife and children* I'm leaning towards slashing him with Jensen Ackles. Blame the Jared/Mikey for that.
Anyway. I want people to love Rhett and the Old 97's as much as I do. So here. Have some pimping. Some of the pictures readers of
hp_dungeons might recognize. Rhett's my PB for
So, this is Rhett Miller. In case you were wondering who the guy up in my header is.
Hi, Rhett!
Rhett is lead vocalist and rhythm guitar player for the Old 97's, an alt-country band based out of Dallas, Texas. They are Made Of Awesome. Perhaps you've heard me gush about them? Hm?
djinnj and I are going to see them play TWICE IN ONE NIGHT in NYC late July. These are them: Philip Peeples, Ken Bethea, Murry Hammond, and Rhett Miller.
Let's have another look at them again, shall we? Blender named their 1999 single Murder (Or A Heart Attack) one of the best songs of all time. BECAUSE IT IS MADE OF WIN. Their song have also been used in Scrubs, Ed, and Veronica Mars, as well as the movie The Break-Up. Oh, and they sang a version of the Chili's Baby Back Ribs commercial. So chances are, whether or not you know it, you've probably heard the Old 97s at some point.
The Old 97's are still touring a bit (HELLO, NYC IN JULY), but Rhett's also got two solo albums out, The Instigator and The Believer.
Some of the promo shots for these albums feature him in pimptastic outfits that are oddly...kind of hot. It takes a man's man to
And red velvet.
And navy brocade. Er. Right. Really. He's straight. Uh huh.
And pin-tucked shirts. (Hm. He's giving Spencer Smith a run for the money in the hi, I look like a really cute dyke category.)
Okay, yes, he loses all straight boy cred for this one. I mean really. Emo hair and black leather? SOMEONE SEND PETE WENTZ HIS WAY, PLEASE.
I think we need to pause and look back on the dork Rhett Miller once was. Because HE WAS SUCH A CUTE DORK WITH REALLY BAD HAIR. SEE?
AW LOOK AT BABY RHETT WITH HIS GUITAR. How can this face be resisted?
And, um, look how nice he's grown up. Hello. Yes. I will admit that Rhett has made it onto my short list. With Patrick Stump and Adrien Brody. Sigh. *watches the lez cred sink more*
Yeah. It's the hair. Sigh. I can't resist the hair.
The smile's pretty nice too.
The wardrobe, however, needs some work.
No, really. Huge amounts of work.
Okay. That's better.
And when he performs? He throws his whole self into it. Completely.
Um. Yeah.
YouTube videos
Old 97s
Barrier Reef - Okay, seriously, just listen to this song. This is why I love these guys. No one can do hysterical pathetic drunk songs like they can. Plus they're so WEE in this clip!
Big Brown Eyes - 'Cause if Robert's dad is right, we may not make it through the night. The pacing and rhythm and humor of this song are all just fabulous.
Rhett Miller
Chili's Baby Back Ribs - Yes, he actually does sing this in his solo concerts; he did it at the Paradise. And it's hysterical.
Time Bomb - Rhett wrote most of the Old 97's songs, so he still sings them in his solo concerts. Ah Celeste.... :D
Come Around - This was the song that first sold me on Rhett as a solo artist.
Doreen - I love it when he headbangs and the hair goes everywhere. Also? The thighs, people. The thighs.
Nineteen - Another Old 97's song that Rhett does solo. And more headbanging.
Question - Scrubs fans will recognize this as the song that played when Turk proposed to Carla.
Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie cover) - Yes, um, anyone who wanted to write me Rhett/Patrick Stump now would be AWESOME.
Bio links:
Old 97's on WikipediaOld 97's on WikiMusicGuideOld 97's on MySpaceRhett Miller on WikipediaRhett Miller on WikiMusicGuideRhett Miller on MySpace Music links:
(These will stay up for a week. Right-click, save-as, please. Comments would be lovely if you take.)
Old 97's
AdelaideBarrier ReefBig Brown EyesCrash On The Barrelhead (Written about Ryan Adams who the Old 97's feuded with briefly in the '90s.)Melt ShowRollerskate SkinnySalomeStonedThe Other ShoeValium WaltzW.I.F.E.Weightless (Possibly my current favourite song at the moment.) Rhett Miller
Ain't That StrangeHoverMy Valentine (My journal title and flist title come from this song...)Our LoveYour Nervous Heart