Well, my cold is actually the flu and it seems that I'm about halfway through its run from what I've been told. Joy. Ah well. C'est la vie, n'est ce pas? Nevertheless, despite the wretched cough and general feeling like I've run into a brick wall several times over, I'm sooo happy today. Because....
I have an iBook back. FINALLY. OMG.
Of course, now I'm having to remember where the Apple/Cmd key is instead of the Ctrl key, which is vaguely annoying because OMG why did I pick up on that?
In order to, um, help pay for my iBook because, you know, even though it's used several hundred dollars is still a big chunk of change when you've no job....I'm going to be taking some design commissions. Because really, the only marketable skill I have is design work.
Right now I'm taking commissions for websites and archives. Sometime next week I'm going to take on journal design commissions for those who would like a customized design for their LJ. I'll open up a post for that in a few days with some samples of my work in that regard.
But for now, I'm willing to design websites for a nominal fee (to be negotiated depending on the size of the website) and I'm also offering to install efiction on sites and design a skin and a splash page for it as well for $50. (And yes, I have Paypal and should be able to take commissions through that. Also, I can make other arrangements with you if you prefer.)
If you'd like to see samples of my websites I've done, comment here and I'll give you links. Efiction samples can be seen here:
Isolde's archiveThe Ouroboros archivePercyness archiveDungeons Backstory Archive If you want to have efiction installed, you need to make certain your server can handle PHP. Most can now, but I'd double-check first. If you're looking for a server, let me know and I can hook you up with Dreamhost which is brilliant and gives you tons of web space and bandwidth for really inexpensively.
Right now on the list I have:
djinnj (website)
celandineb (efiction)
ze_dragon (efiction)
cluegirl (efiction)
catrinella (efiction)
amireal (efiction)
gmth (efiction)
venivincere (efiction)
niuserre (efiction)
hasaidreamer (website)
So if anyone else is interested in this, please let me know and I'll add you to the list. Also, if you're interested in a journal design let me know too, and I'll put you on the list for that when I open those up next week. Right now I'm thinking $20 for a journal design...