I just found out Dolly Parton is doing a concert here in October.
I cannot express how deep my abiding-since-childhood love is for the Dolly. I want to go but I doubt there's anyone I can talk into going with me because none of my friends recognize her brilliance. *sulks* I mean, hello? Jolene? Is there any better song? (Don't answer that, lest I have to smite thee with the Dolly's boobs.)
And because everyone else is doing it and, as everyone knows, I am a lemming, not to mention I felt hedgehoggy today...
hp_femme It's like the hedgehog version of Michelle Tea. Heh.
And I want smut! Somebody show me the smut!
*pokes flist* Why are you people not writing TEH smut for me? *conveniently ignores the fact that I haven't written any smut lately either* Come on. Crack it out. Snape/Draco. Harry/Ron. Percy/Harry. *nods* Pick a pairing. You know you want to. Write some smut today for your poor, pathetic, bored, writing-challenged Femme.
Or draw. I'll take a smutty drawing. :D
*bats eyelashes and blows flirtatious kisses at flist*
(Is it working? No? Damn. I'm going to go get some Chik-fil-A for lunch then. *sulks more*)