Belated Birthday Wishes to Nytel!!!

Feb 14, 2010 17:23

I'm a day late! So, so sorry about that. To make amend to nytel for my tardiness, I present to her a story with pictures!

For your birthday, I asked Sheldon to compose a song for you.

Buuuuut that didn't turn out so well. I'll spare your ears the cacophony. ;)

Then he tried to send you your birthday wishes via telepathy.

That gave him a headache (though he'll never admit to it). And then he thought aboot (HA! CANADIAN HUMOR FOR YOU!!! *wink*) the futility in wishing you a happy birthday and the time could be spent doing something more useful...

Then Leonard whispered something to him (what, I know not) and he perked right up. ;)

Hope you had a fabulous birthday, Cass! *birthday squishes*

big bang theory, birthday wishes

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