Happy Birthday Lady Tina!

Mar 10, 2009 14:49

Hope you like your presents, bitch! And I expect Renji to be returned to me in one piece. Also, I expect a visit from Kyo for MY birthday.

Enjoy them, BITCH! XD *birthday squishes*
Click me for bishies!!! )

birthday wishes

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Comments 2

trito_chan March 10 2009, 19:07:52 UTC
Hahahaha, thank you my dearest bitch, I love my boy toys! :D
And yes, Renji will be returned to you in one piece, worry not! ;)
Thank you for all this hotness, I could really use some of it right now. ;)

BTW I just ADORE your new layout!!!! O_O It's amazing!!!!


femmephantom March 10 2009, 23:35:15 UTC
BWAHAH!!! You're very welcome, bitch. :)

Thank you for taking such good care of my Renji. You know I wouldn't trust him to just anyone, right?

Thank you! And the girl who made the layout made a bunch of interchangable headers I can use with it. So I should be good for a while. :D


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