Icon Sticky

Nov 06, 2020 11:41

Yet another sticky post. This one is purely for my friend trito_chan's and my benefit. It's a place where I can organize my list of icon requests, and she can pick and choose which ones she wants to work on. Of course, if any of you other icon-makers want to take a stab at any of them, you're of course more than welcome to. :D

******UPDATED 10/19/08 ( Read more... )

icon requests

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Comments 36

trito_chan August 18 2008, 16:10:28 UTC

You weren't kidding when you said I might regret volunteering to make you icons! LOL LOL

But it's OK I like a challenge! And this is one! YOSH! *o*


femmephantom August 18 2008, 16:31:10 UTC
I tolded you! But like I said. No rush, no time frame. :D


trito_chan September 9 2008, 14:53:15 UTC
Just to let you know I'm going to start working on these after Thursday. I'm getting ready for this exam I already took 8-9 times so I really really hope I'll pass it this time! ^_^'


femmephantom September 9 2008, 14:56:54 UTC
Ah, is this the accounting exam? I'll have Ikkaku (and myself) do a lucky dance for you, and I'll cross my fingers.

You can do it!


trito_chan September 9 2008, 17:57:22 UTC
No, it's the Operational Research exam. I am yet to take the Accounting exam...haven't even tried it. Not once. XD

Yes, please, do the lucky dance with Ikkaku, make him do bankai and cross your fingers. :D


femmephantom September 9 2008, 19:55:08 UTC
Consider the lucky dance done! But if Ikkaku goes bankai...there might not be any dancing. He might be, ahem, indisposed for a while. XD


feait September 23 2008, 20:18:41 UTC
How's this Muraki icon?

... )


femmephantom September 23 2008, 20:57:20 UTC
Le gasp! I love it! And you threw it together so quickly, too. Color me impressed. Thank you so much! I've been needing a good Muraki icon. Can't seem to find many of him.


feait September 23 2008, 23:23:07 UTC
some characters are inspirational. PLUS you had the perfect phrase to go along with him, so it was easy.


femmephantom September 24 2008, 01:05:55 UTC
Yes well, thanks all the same.


trito_chan September 24 2008, 08:50:11 UTC
Lady Erica, do you mind if I try looking for some pics too? For Samurai Deeper Kyo and Grimmy, since some of the ones you gave me are a tad small and I prefer to have a bigger pic while I work, because of the image quality.
I will run the pics by you, of course.:)


trito_chan September 24 2008, 09:00:30 UTC
How is this pic for Samurai Deeper Kyo icon?
First of all tell me is it him? :D I'm not familiar with the series, but it looks interesting so I might start to read the manga. :)



femmephantom September 24 2008, 16:32:59 UTC
That's an awesome pic! And yes, that is Kyo. The series is awesome. You should definitely read/watch it.

Kyo's voice will melt your panties in the series, but it has a sucky ending. The manga should still be ongoing if I'm not mistaken.


trito_chan September 24 2008, 20:08:07 UTC
All right, then this pic it is. :)
I've got so many books and manga to read that I'm afraid I won't be able to finish school in 3 more years if I keep up like this.
Gotta study. T.T


feait September 24 2008, 11:15:20 UTC
Here are Bleach's bad boys:

... )


femmephantom September 24 2008, 16:29:10 UTC
Yay! Thank you! But why is there no Mayuri? No room, or is he not bad enough for you? ;)

Seriously, if that would make the file too big then don't sweat it. Also, some Szayel would be nice if we could fit him in there. Possibly some Gin.

I can hunt for pics if you like! Unless again, that would make it too big.


feait September 24 2008, 16:53:23 UTC
i'll revised the user pic.

btw, i created it around 6am today, so i wasn't completely awake.


femmephantom September 24 2008, 17:08:54 UTC
Thank you! You totally don't have to, and I was only teasing about the lack of Mayuri. Even though you have to admit, he is one of the sickest baddest characters on the show. *evil grin*

And take your time. There's no rush. And it's not like you're obligated to do any of them. I was just pointing them out if you ever wanted inspiration/a challange/a break.



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