I am furiously finishing my holiday fics.* I'm hoping to post them tonight.
I have such profound respect for everyone who does this every year and with lists much longer than mine. Yall are amazeballs!
djkiwi2576 you are awesome! And Bonnie/Jeremy never looked so adorable. Check out the awesome
story and fanmix she made for me!
I also got a really cute
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Glad you liked your fic!!!
Rushing off to read Roswell fic. I got an excellent Ninja Assassin story that I keep reading repeatedly.
Loved the fic, you write them so adorable.
L&O: UK is perfect! I'm sad though because... well I'm said, won't spoil.
Oh L&O bad news no...
Hold for link.
It took massive googling but I found the source of your L&O sadness...say it isn't so...say it isn't so...
Ninja Assassin link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/141251?view_adult=true
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