drew carrey show

Jun 29, 2004 06:01

ehe, just finished eating dinner and watching the drew carrey show, which was the most freakin hilarious tv show after friends =p lol!! it was sooo darn funny. mwaha. i was laughing like a dork while chewing my food and my teeth was in total exposure of its black-ish color due to the, um, food i was eating...the squid thingie with black soup..aha. *yum* anyway, just fast blogging cuz i seriously need to go study - i'm barely half-way!! gahh!! i am so dead. but the good thing is, it's the last exam na tomorrow...and i'm finally free! *woot* liberty! freedom! fun! LiFE! ehe. ;D

*still waiting for the table to be fixed* yepyep, that's exactly what i'm doing, aside from blogging and listening to the all american rejects. what a cute band name =D i love their songs too. ehe. rawkz ;D

ohmigush, maynard's currently dancing to swing swing. ha, and laughing and singing to the song as well. mwaha!! what a dork!! =D mana sa ate nya!! graveh, like brother like sister noh =D lolz!!

ohhh riiight, i almost forgot, not only my freedom's granted in 2 days, but a start of my 14th year of life as well *woot* can't wait!! naw, actually i can. i <3 being thirteen, i dont wanna grow older yet. but hey, that's time...can't alter it, can't stop myself from getting old. heeh, i remember once when i was six i asked my mom if i could be eight in my next birthday =p loL! haiii. now i realize how time flies as fast as the time we take to blink. better not take everything for granted..and better start being wise about my time. for no one's granted a tomorrow. ;] ehe, i think that's adrienne's life motto - the first ''america's next top model'' =p wawaa, that reminds me of mercedes, my top model! ehe. she rawkz my sawkz ;D i love her personality...and she's pretty too...but oh well, yoanna's not bad tho. chehekeke....

weiiiiird, i didnt catch aj online today -_- lol. he must've prolly been studying - which reminds me, it's what i should be doing now-

aite peepz, until here. wish me luck on the last exam!! *woot* cheeyaooo!!!

over and out.

ps: <3 the new layout??? =D its not by me, just got the banner from createblog. =D ehe. comment naman dyan!! <3z youh!!!

pps: yaye, my other sis has an lj na rin!! *woot woot* welcome camille to the fam! lol, parang i own livejourna noh....ehehehhe naww, just happee more ppl i know are using it now. at least, more bloggshizz to read!! teeheee....

aite, adios na!! byebye!!
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