... because I had a nightmare that I had gotten an F in my Philosophy class, I knew I could finally check my grades, since they were due in last night at midnight. So I logged on, and lo and behold- the highest four grades I have ever earned in a single semester.
Oceanography A
Psy Adolescence A
Yeats & Wilde A
Language & Paradox A-
So, what does it mean? I know I have not done as well as I could have these four years (or was well as some of my peers). I have actually LEARNED things, among them, how to be a better student. I started FIU with two Cs, a B+ and one A. After that semester, I earned 12 more As (and 3 Bs). For the first time, my GPA is where it would make me proud.
I graduated Cum Laude, that is, with honors.