
Jan 23, 2006 20:33

So, in the midst of my insane spamming frenzy in the last week or so, it has not escaped me that some new people have "friended" me lately. I assume that this is probably as a result of either: a) my Firefly WIP Inara fic b) that dollop of Buffy/Spike/Angel from the other day c) I totally started it by pimping something cool that you made or friended you first, etc. or d) perhaps it was my latent Spangel tendencies (does it show?). And yes, I realize that all of these things are pretty different--I'm a fandom slut, OK?

Some of you have done this in the chatty way, and others in the quiet way. It's all good. If I haven't "friended" you back, it's because we've never interacted or whatever, (insert the trite "friending policy" blah blah). Anyway, feel free to "stalk" me from afar. [/extreme sarcasm] Pretty much the only posts that I flock are filtered entries related to personal crap anyway.

Point is: Welcome and whatnot, and fear not that whatever it is that you friended me for is almost definitely going to appear again on this journal.

Oh! And it is now time to show off (behind a cut) the beautious graphic that earth_vexer made for A Woman's Worth aka "The Inara Fic." It's very nice and makes me sorry that I am too clueless to have a proper website on which to display it.

Also if for some bizarre reason, you have not gone and checked out the righteous, slash-loving icons (see above) that she made at my request, go to her journal.

And finally, I found this great Mal/River vid made by obsessive24 called The Body. It's meant to be a shipper vid but it works regardless of whether or not you ship that way because it's really well done, and like it or not, Serenity was largely about Mal and River.

That is all. Except for a cryptic mention of the fact that a really weird bunny attacked me in the middle of the night for the
"Month of Buffy" (or whatever it's called) thing at buffy_love that I signed up for.

vid recs, friending, hello, firefly, a woman's worth, vids

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