Mar 16, 2008 00:47
I forgot to say the other day that St. Patrick's Day is always weird for me, because random people invariably shout to me on the street. (If you did not know, I am Weasley-hued, hence.) Of course, this type of harassment is not limited to one day a year - there was also the completely unprovoked time when a dude said to me while I was waiting for the bus (and I kid you not): "You're so cute-you're like a little leprechuan. Makes me want to take you home to the country and marry you, put you under glass and watch you sleep." !!!!!
Yeah. God, I am going like molasses at this work stuff. SIGH.
Also, it makes no sense (especially because we all watched DanRad grow up on screen and as far as I recall The Doctor doesn't get to *pick* what appearance he'll take on), but I want stories where DanRad *is* The Doctor or like trades places with The Doctor. Maybe I just want to see DanRad wearing chuck taylors and suits. And/or hanging out in the Tardis.