It's the kind of day where you get home and take your shoes and pants off and feel like you're simultaneously expanding and melting. Yeah.
In today's epic battle of Literary Theory vs. Femme, I fear I may not have come out the victor. However, I think I will live to battle again (or better, make out :P). During the second half of Textual Analysis I was spacing out and contemplating writing Sam Winchester/His Body fanfic - to do with stuff like self-image, eating, sexuality, bathroom habits, and y'know re-animation [hottest zombie evar!]. In the second half of Literary Theory I was just spacing out. [I think I did all right with the talking during the first half though, despite being surrounded by a bunch of people who have--shocking!--chosen to go to graduate school in disciplines unrelated to movies and TeeVee.]
Miscellaneous: This girl in my class told me today that her "theory" on why I'm a Sam girl is because I'm a reformed (recovering?) "bad girl." I didn't say but I don't know that I'd classify myself as ever having been BAD. Passionate, maybe. Of course she self-diagnosed her "Dean-girl-ness" as relating to repression and not having sowed her wild oats enough. But she didn't seem to know what to do with C's burning love for Hot Dad. Heh. [D, if you're reading this, hi!]
Also, Gilmore Girls Guy confessed to having after-the-fact social anxiety about some comment he made to me Friday night that I completely forgot about and was completely innocuous anyway. I do find it comforting that other people irrationally worry about random shit they said, because I do that.
Hum. I fear that random members of the Northwestern student body may think I've been checking out their asses because I can't stop looking at everyone's jeans. This despite the fact that I bought a new pair last week and so therefore am no longer in the market for them.
So, this summer I managed to get pretty much of all of the ladies I hang out with in Chicago watching Supernatural. And tomorrow we're doing pizza, beer, AHBL and the premiere at C's house with EIGHT PEOPLE. Eeeeeeh!
Speaking of, I'm watching a shit ton of TeeVee this season, so it's probably best if I double-task some of it with social time. I'm trying to prioritize but I'm still at: Weeds, Californication, Bones, Pushing Daisies, Gossip Girl, Dirty Sexy Money, Smallville, Supernatural, the Office, Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, Mad Men, Friday Night Lights and Dexter. Yeah, and I promised someone I'd catch up on Eureka. And maybe Ugly Betty. [This is, of course, not counting the Daily Show, but I, haha, lump that in with my NPR listening.]
Some things I am not going to do this season of SPN: lose large parts of my Fridays reading and getting confused and distracted by lots of episode reviews, worry my pretty little head about asinine wanks involving Internalized Misogyny and/or Tinhattery unless they come to my neighborhood (which they generally never do, <3 flist <3), get more spoiled than I wanna be.
Also, I'm trying to just be over LJ Guilt and Performance Anxiety altogether. Besides, I'm coming to the conclusion that I might as well go with the default assumption that people actually do fancy Rupert Grint (or would, given enough provocation). Ahahahaha. Not really speaking of that at all, but Heidi wants people to write bearded!Bill Weasley knock up fic. Hee.
Okay, before this gets any more random and pointless I'll link you to something that *I* think is really cool: []. This guy Tom Phillips has been painting on top of pages of this Victorian Novel for like decades now. I bought a book of reproductions of it for my art geek brother two Christmases ago. And awhile ago I came across a multifandom ficathon where all the prompts were Humument pages/poems. I lost the link and didn't participate but that's one of those things that just warms the cockles of my nerdy fannish heart for its existence.
eta: Crap! So apparently SPN 3.01 is available RIGHT NOW for free on iTunes if you're in the US. So, do I watch it now or do I wait to watch it live with my friends tomorrow? I mean, I'm going to hang out with them anyway, but if I've seen it already I might accidentally spoil and like, not be in the same er, fannish head space that they are? I guess that's my answer.
ETA some more:
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I don't watch talk shows ordinarily but I kind of wish that everyone I fangirl would go on Craig Ferguson or Ellen because he has an amazing talent for making them talk about complete inanity in hi-larious ways and Ellen is, well, Ellen-tastic. <3