...so I can babble some more about Veronica Mars.
Ooooookay. So I get that they broke up Veronica and Logan because this is a serial drama and things can't get static, blah blah, no wonder Joss loves this show. That's fine, whatever. But I kinda find Veronica's reason for breaking up with him a bit flimsy and WHAT in the hell is she doing with Duncan?
It's not that I think that Duncan is a bad person (just very fucked up), he's just not that interesting right now. Especially now that he's not all messed up and tortured and thinking that he's in love with his half sister. Which made him an interesting character but still not a good choice for Veronica. Although I think that this hohum "normalcy" may be kinda the point. They're definitely throwing anvil sized hints that Veronica/Duncan is doomed. There is less than zero chemistry and they're underscoring that like mad by throwing in all of this "Logan is a naughty sex god" stuff (Um, "If the cuddling is the best part, you're not doing it right?").
The only explanation that I have for Veronica's behavoir this season and in the second half of last season is that she's really *that* terrified of trusting. Because she pretty much freaked out and bailed on Logan at the every possible opportunity.
I love Veronica but she fucked that up. And now earnest!hiddensweetness!Logan has gone waaaay underground.
And she'll have to work really damn hard if she ever wants to get him back. Or at least she should have to. And she should want to, damn it!
Because Veronica/Logan will rear its head again. You don't have a love triangle like that and not milk it for all it's worth. Did we learn nothing from "Dawson's Creek?" LOL
I think it could be really interesting if the show dealt more explicitly with Veronica's trust issues. Because she does have every reason to have them, what with her mom, etc. And it makes an interesting counterpoint to her tough, quippy girl persona who always "knows best." A lot of why I ship her with Logan is because the two of them challenge each other.
And as much as I like Logan, he also needs to be called out about things (especially the class issues stuff).
I do like flawed characters.
Oh and my last random thought? The freaking fight scene with Duncan and Logan? Brilliant. And I think fandom has truly corrupted me because I can't see something like that without at least partially interpreting it as massive sexual tension. Hee. [/babble]
ETA - I just realized that this is prolly the first time I've been really fannish about something while it's still on the air. Will be different.