It's been a very productive-feeling day today for me: muffin-baking, cleaning, appointments made, errands run, fic betaed (Sam/sister by
flipmontigirl--if you're into that kind of thing, be excited for when she posts it). But I've only gotten through a short portion of my "list."
ANYWAY, so I'm still feeling consistently disquieted about all of the hullabaloo(s) that've hit fandom lately, but I don't know what to say about that right now. But I have something to celebrate: It's been a year that I've been in Supernatural fandom. \o/ This time last spring was when my darling
greenapricot sat me down on her couch and made me watch all of S1 in three days. Pretty soon she was "forcing" me to register for
winchestercon despite my saying, "that's not my fandom." Ha! By the time the con rolled around I'd written THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of words of SPN fic and somehow been roped into being on a panel.
I've had a wonderful time with this fandom (so far); I've met a lot of great people, and read a shitload of incredible fic and meta. But I'm also really touched by the level to which many of my fannish friends who aren't into SPN have, uh, put up with my obsessieness. I love you guys.
And now, without further ado, the SPN femslash recs list I've been threatening for awhile now. I've recced most of these before, but here they are together.
The Devil's Gate by
hesychasm - SPN/Buffyverse crossover - Jo/Faith, Angel, slayers - NC17 - About 35,000 words. This is plotty, excellently characterized femslash, but this story is also incredibly compelling on a "gen" level as well. Angel in the Hyperion with hundreds of Slayers, you guys! Attn: Buffyverse fans who haven't watched SPN. I think you people might love this story also. Yes, it's Jo POV and she's a Supernatural character but the story tells you everything you need to know about her (more than canon does, certainly) and the mythology, though merged, favors the Buffyverse side; it's primarily set in that 'verse. Also, if you're neutral or on the fence about Jo, this story might make you feel differently about her (at least while you're reading it). I *know* some people who read this journal are into reading SPN/Buffy crossovers. I also know that some of you are into femslash. If you like both (or possibly even just one!), I see NO GOOD REASON not to read this story.
Bleeds For a Week and Doesn't Die by
nutkin - girl!Sam/girl!Dean, NC-17, AU. 3624 words. A "what if they grew up as sisters?" fic. Excellent Sam and Dean characterization. Great dialogue. Compelling language. Believable Wincest set-up.
This crazy, cracky 'verse by
wizened_cynic - In this 'verse, Alex Cabot from SVU and Lorelei Gilmore from Gilmore Girls are twin sisters adopted by Sam and Dean (Dad and Daddy). SisYay ABOUNDS, as does funny. NC17 at parts. It's crack!fic, but it's good crack!fic.
Pit Stop by
valiant - Jo/Jess - NC17 - AU from pilot - PWP, short, HOT.
Dewey Decimal and Other Mysteries of Note by
minum_calibre - SPN/Scooby Doo (yes) - girl!Dean/Velma - PG - Always-already female, tough, cocky Dean. Short. Library!!!!
The D Word by
angstslashhope - SPN/The L Word - girl!Dean/Shane, girl!Dean/OFCs - NC17 - Longish (two LJ posts). Genderswap (not winsister). So this is one which will highly amuse L Word fans but if you've only seen one of the shows, it'd be better if it's SPN. This is very much a SPN fic and I don't think you *need* to have watched the L Word to get it. Dean gets turned into a girl in West Hollywood and sluts about with the lesbian sexing. Sam freaks out. It's awesome.
And a bonus:
isis on the fifth day by
ggreenapple - Sam/Sister (always-already sister) - NC17 - 3500 words. So yeah, this is a het!Wincest fic, but the "Dee" in this fic is a dyke (there's also some girlkissing)...except for her brother apparently. ANYWAY, it's a really good fic.
Note: I know this is not an exhaustive list but I'm tired of coding and welcome other recs in the comments.