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Jan 16, 2007 19:07

You know what I like to do after a long afternoon of discussing taste culture with other graduate students? PANTYFAN DORKILY. :P

So. Last night as I was twiddling with the Rory/Dean fic I was also inundating up_your_peach with some of my favorite sappy JP-related things from Gilmore Girls that are up on You Tube. She freaked out appropriately and announced that her entire flist was fired for not showing them to her earlier. So if you are also on Ruby's flist then you are ON NOTICE. Um, just kidding. Anyway, I'm of the opinion that one doesn't necessarily need to understand the plot to appreciate a whole bunch of Jared makin' out. So.

++++First we have the 'I love you, you idiot' smooch. Note how his hands are as big as her ENTIRE HEAD. Plus, there's bonus pissy!Mayhem. And also PJ Harvey.

++++Then there is the cutest adulterous afterglow of ever. Yes, yes, it was wrong and bad but N'AWWW.

++++And this S1 R/D vid set to "A Sorta Fairytale" by Tori Amos.

++++Then there is this vid which covers all of the first 5 seasons and is set to some Kelly Clarkson song?

++++And for those of you who like to watch pretty boys fighting there is the Jess and Dean fist fight.

++++And then a personal favorite, when Dean and Tristan (Chad Michael Murray) almost get into a fight

+++And finally there's this vid which is set to some song that I'm really not a fan of and has a bunch of Dean's wife in it BUT it has the bit with the ass-touching as he lowers Rory to the bed TWICE.

And as a special, completely unrelated bonus, I link you to this indescribable insanity. I think possibly you have to have an appreciation for the absurb to enjoy it but it just keeps getting funnier to me. When I was home visiting VT last month and I kept making people watch the "dick in a box" thing, my friends' roommate was obsessed with it. Ah You Tube. greenapricot and I were totally NOT watching clips of Jensen on Days for a semi-extended period of time. No. But my brother was weirdly scouring You Tube for clips of Molly Ringwald from some low budget scifi movie from back in the day. I was so proud. :) BTW, evalady and mekka, tell him to call me, you crazy lurkers, you.

And now I'm going to go reply to fic comments, which are all so very sweet! And surprising! I kind of thought I was just doing this really self-indulgent thing--I didn't really realize that people would want to read it.

Then I'm going to read some feminist theory and play with my kitten. Oh, my life. :P
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