Hey, check it out! My journal looks normal again. Stupid LJ. *grumble, grumble* But anyway! I haven't gotten to read a lot of fanfic recently as I've been being studious and all that. But last night I treated myself and I have to pass along the rec:
Sunshine State by
innie_darling - NC17 - Sam Stanford fic. Sam/OFCs, Sam/OMC, Sam/Jess. The OCs are all really well-developed as are Sam and Jess. I grew particularly attached to the OMC that Sam gets involved with, and also the absence of Dean in this fic is so palpable and moving that it's more of a presence kinda sorta, you know what I mean. The story has its own tone and cadence but the actual events and the ways that it portrays Sam's conflicts and emotional journey really felt canon to me. It's kind of long, but extremely worth it--I stayed up way past my bedtime reading the whole thing. Because--totally redundant newsflash!--I couldn't be more in love with Sam Winchester, and this fic, though it definitely shows his cracks and flaws does so in a loving light. (Random thought--though as is probably apparent, I heart both Winchester boys pretty much equally and think that Dean is just sex on legs, in RL I'm pretty sure it'd be Sam that I'd go for. Which makes me aimlessly consider how the majority of my fictional loves I would *not* date...I think--because as I close in on thirty I'd like to think that I'm moving beyond those alleged "bad boy/girl" issues I may once possibly have had. Ahem.)
That's right, my Sam/Jared kick still rages strong. Haha! I just started a del.icio.us account and were someone to look at the few things in it currently, it would seem that all I'm interested in is Sam!fic. Omg I need more, more, more!
In other news of me, I just wrote a paper for school that I think might not suck, which is reassuring because a tiny part of me was irrationally concerned that I'm no longer capable of writing anything besides, oh, porn about TV characters. Seriously, when I first started typing up an assignment last week, I was punching in html code for italics instead of italicizing words. I kid you not.
I feel a little bit badly that listening to other new grad students in my program freak the fuck out about our workload eases my anxiety--because they're flipping more than I am, which somehow seems to ease my burden or something.
Of course, if I need comforting I can always go and watch Rory/Dean Gilmore Girls vids on You Tube because perving on young!Jared still seems to calm me down. *shakes head at self* And if you're weird like me, here are
one or
two examples. Ahem. Don't tease me! Also You Tube hates me and won't let me comment, so you are one of the people who made those vids, I liked them, OK?
And finally, just to show that I don't like hate the Buffyverse now or something, two random fic recs from the past:
Downtime by
voleuse - R - Post-Chosen Faith/Buffy ficlet just the way I like it.
Blood Types by
tkp - Angel character study. Hard R or NC17 "for language and implications of violence, non-con, and general nastiness."
Oh and isn't this icon by
jwynn pretty?
ETA: I forgot to mention the embarrassing fact that I almost got teary finally watching the finale of Six Feet Under tonight. I loved that show to the end, in spite of its totally weird depiction of Quakers (and yes, I am one, and no, I don't know any more about oats than your average person). Also, could someone please be writing me some stony Dean/Claire fic? Not in a 'shippy way, just they both had such weird childhoods and you know Claire likes fucking train wrecks (not that Dean fully is one but...) And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that she kind of looks like me...only hotter.