Commercial Break Inanity

Aug 10, 2006 18:39

1. I find it very amusing that in the last half hour I have IM-ed and/or commented with multiple people who are also watching "Hellhouse" again on the WB.

2. If I were to slash Andrew from BtVS with the guys from SPN would you all shun me? Just kidding. Sort of. See, I have decided that the whole "What Would Buffy Do?" intertextual reference thing from this episode is in no way an obstacle to me writing BtVS/SPN Crossover fic. Because they never actually SAY that Buffy is a fictional character. Meaning that they've met her, and know of the existence of Slayers. And in my fic they HAVE to meet Andrew. Because it will amuse me. And he will be so annoyed. And it will be good. Yis.

3. There is nothing hotter than Jensen-shaped characters drinking. Except possibly Jensen-shaped things naked. Why exactly have I not seen this yet?

4. Maybe I should post some of the "notes" that I am making as I watch SPN and the Faith-pisodes again with a notebook next to me (it's research for the Heroic Hotass OTP Insanity). They're kinda silly.

5. greenapricot, I am calling you in T minus 14 minutes.
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