thanks for the camera tip Andrea =)
Snow... i like snow when its not slushy or freezing out
Charlie got me Tori Amos' new cd today, Beekeeper... hmm disappointing. and i wanted to go see her when she went on tour but she will prob do mostly stuff from this new cd bc there are like 20 songs. well i hope that it is better when i listen to it again tomorow- i kinda skipped thru it impatiently looking for a song that could compare to her other good songs. She did a song with Damien Rice but i didnt like it. Its called Orange Knickers- haha i couldnt take it seriously man. Now i want to listen to damien rice- i like that song valcano and that other one.. i forget its name.
So its weird. I don't know if this is that weird or not but my mom.. well i dont know howw to explain it so ill jsut tell you the story. This morning I told my brother to tell my mom i wasnt oging to school. So then 8am charlie came over and told me that my mom told him that i was tired from work and didnt want to go to school or something. But then when i came downstairs to leave with him she asked me wat was wrong i said i didnt feel good and it was like:
HER: aww do you have a sore throat too?
Me: Yes
H: Yeah i think you have what i have
M: yeah i felkt like crap when i woke up, i am going over charlies to sleep and stuff
H: Okay when will you be home
M: later tonight
H: okay have fun, feel better, drink some green tea
so did she know i was lying and was she just trying to make me feel like it was okay to play hookie?.. like everytime i stay home from school she almost convinces me im sick and she is always sick with the same thing i tell her i swear. liek last time i stayed home for a "flu" and she was like 'yeah i feel sick too you better lay down, ive been tired and ackey all day'. and of course i pretended to empathize with her. Anyway...
I saw See tonight. haha wow i must be tired, *i saw Saw tonight.. its wasnt the scariest movie like ppl told me but it was amusing- haha exept that one guy that was in it who was the hero in the princess bride was a bad actor, and he talked like Duke Nukem, picked up an accent at certain points, and was overdramatic, but it didnt ruin the movie.
ok im buying my plane ticket for boston on monday so if i dont get definate answers im going alone, so yeah that should prompt people to start making plans!
IMPORTANT: do we have any lit hw over the weekend?
I have to practice rappin' for next wednesday haha oh wait itll have to be next wednesday dave i forgot abt the concert.
I just discovered this cd was actually good and ive had it for a while- i hope that happens with tori amos by tomorow