Apr 18, 2004 23:21
i am almost done with my table.. all the pictures are on and one coat of polyurithane is on(however u spell it) it is going to be sweet <3
i am trying to buy a camera... i decided that i have been stupid buying diposable cameras because i take so many pictures. I go through them so fast- so maybe it would be a wise investment to get a real one. i can start my album entitled 'Urban Decay'(jody came up with that one)- it is sort of started, i've taken quite a few pictures while adventuring in downtown youngstown. So i think maybe i will make it a hobby.
i am dreading school tomorow, i did no homework-although none of it is neccesary and i can bs my way through this week and be ok- i am going to be behind a bit- i hate catching up. thats all i have been doing, all of my junior year- cathing up bc i am too lazy to spent an hour a night doing school work. I put myself in this position then i get all stressed out and worried abt my education. Too bad my laziness is greater then my anxiety because if it was the other way around i would be a great student. I just have no will to learn anymore- in school anyways.
i've been catching myself talking like ms george! like 3 times over break o.o when she says stuff with 'ness' at the end she always stressed the last sylable like- sadNESS or forgiveNESS... its annoying and it drives me crazy in class x_x but yeah i caught myself doing it.
also i have been watching entirely to many movies- i am such a loser its all i do i have no life--- go to the library, return movies, take out movies, watch them, go back like 3 days later.. adn the cycle continues. its not like i only get a few movies either usualy i get abt 2 or 3 dvds and 3 or 4 vhs, i am running out of selection and dont wana start paying to rent them so ive been watching a ton of old movies, i run into a bunch of stupid ones o.o but that is expected. i did spend money on 2 movies this week thought- Amelie and But I'm a Cheerleader, ok gotta get my rest for school v_v *sigh* this was a long entry heh