Mar 28, 2006 13:13
I'm so done with college. I'm going to be so happy next year when I'm taking all the classes I want to take for my major, no more LAFs! Wee! Poetry is going to suck though. I just can't do that genre at all. I still have two years left of college, and I'm having so much fun I don't want to leave. But at the same time I do. I want to work for a cool magazine, and write fiction on the side. I hope this happens. Just depends on how bad i want it. My mom wanted me to fly back to PHX for easter. She bought me a ticket and everything but she's having me miss a day of school so i had to decline. I have finals and I'll be home for like ten days after that before may term. Lame. We don't even do anything at Easter. We arent religious. It would be a waste of time. And i only have a few weeks left with people who wont be here for may term. This weather has really been bringing me down. The haze and darkness and clouds and cold weather. All around thumbs down. Thats not how I roll. Last year at this time i was sunbathing on the quad so what the fuck?! I have three essays due tomorrow. It's one thirty pm. And I'm going to take a nap instead.