this is out of hand.

Jan 05, 2004 21:07

so, it's been like two months since i've written in here because i love my xanga so much more. sad. you can read all the fun stuff there. i'm going to abuse this journal by trashing it up with this tacky survey about 2003. enjoy, beasts.

In 2003 did you:
1. Go to a party? ...please. I am the party.
2. Try something new? absolutely I did... but I'm not telling you about it ;)
3. Have someone change your life? like you wouldn't believe.
4. Kiss someone? yes...and not just one person either. well...only one person until about 10 months into the year...then tack on another 4.
5. Tell your family and friends you love them? absolutely! how can you not when you have friends and family like mine!
6. Buy something extravagant? really. i tend not to do any spending, aside from clothes and cds and other fun stuff.
7. Do something nice for you? of course - it's wonderful to treat yourself well as long as you treat others equally or better.
8. Do something terribly wrong? well, i made my mistakes, yes, but nothing terribly wrong.
9. Move? no, i stayed in one place all year.
10. Go to a concert? let me count them... Coldplay, The Used, Dredg, Lollapalooza (yes, that means INCUBUS children), and Radiohead. it was a good year for concerts, definitely.

Best of the Year:
1. Party: does Radiohead count?
2. Show: i'm not a t.v. person
4. Movie: oi... that's a tough one. Pirates of the Carribean was good, Finding Nemo was great...damnit, I don't know.
5. Song: hands down Grace - Jeff Buckley
6. Experience: summer...
7. Concert: Dredg kicked so much ass, Radiohead kicked equally as much ass, and Incubus was unbelievable. Choosing between those is like a parent picking his favorite child.
8. Book: Lolita
9. Month: hmm.. that's hard, but i think i'm gonna have to go with mid-june to mid-july.
10. Day: um... wow, that's hard too... but for lack of a better idea at the moment, i'm going to say July 3rd.

Worst of the Year:
1. Party: there is no bad party... except for the one that gets busted
2. Show: there are so many shows i hate, and ironically i can't think of any right now.
3. CD: there is always something good to every cd... you just have to dig really deep sometimes
4. Movie: nothing will ever sadden me more than The Ninth Gate.
5. Song: maybe if I were a top 40s kinda girl i could name 40 of them for you, but i can't
6. Experience: having my emotions toyed with for nearly 3 months.
7. Concert: Queens of the Stoneage at Lollapalooza... they suck live, just so you know.
8. Book: ugh - i had to read this book for my history class called Retrieving the American Past... don't read it... it's too informative.
9. Month: it's a tie between October and November - they were equally shitty.
10. Day: either August 11 or October 14 - I can't decide which one should be worse... August 11 was more immediately horrible, but October 14 was more harmful.

Hopes for 2004:
1. Predict something that you think will happen in 2004? i predict that i will meet a really awesome guy and totally fall for him, and it's going to change my life.
2. What do you hope changes about your country? i hope that americans as a mass population can open up their minds and become more aware of what's going on in the world instead of being suited with their american-ness...
3. What do you hope for yourself? i hope i find restored appreciation for life and that i acquire a wonderful group of loving, fun, and amazing friends on whom i can always depend.
4. What do you hope for your family? i hope my dad continues to prosper, that my mom rediscovers her passion for art that she so desperately wants to continue, that Alexander finds his way and screws his head on straight, and that Stirling gets a really great job doing something he really loves.
5. What do you hope for your best friends? that they love what they've chosen to do next year and that we stay in touch no matter what ;)
6. What do you hope for the rest of your friends? success and the ability to maintain hope in the face of not so brilliant times, and that they may appreciate something about their life every day.
7. Do you think any amazing medical advances will be made? i know there are tons of medical wonders just waiting to be revealed, we're just money mongerers and the health companies are fighting over who's going to get the most money for their discovery.
8. What is your hope for 2004? to be continually optimistic and not to let my spirit get lost or disappear.

During 2003:
Where were you when it began?I was at Amber's house in Roswell with Danny, Sarah, Amber, Dixie, Zach and a few other people I don't know.
Did you stay up? mmmmmhmmmmm
What was your new year wish? i don't remember, honestly
How many boyfriends/girlfriends? just one boyfriend this year ; )
Broke up? sadly.
New friends? all the time!
Name them: Brennan, Jimmy... and i became even better friends with Ronnie, Sarah, Chris and Stephen... Matt, Daniel, Matt, Scarlett... but my closest friend, and bestest buddy is Jessica ;) we rediscovered our love for one another.
Win anything? mmm... nothing that comes to mind.
Worst place you went to: i didn't particularly think that vail was all that enjoyable in july, but it wasn't horrible.
Happiest moment: oh geez... that's impossible. probably the first time i went to visit danny in clemson last january-ish.
How was your birthday? i woke up with a hangover and went to get my legs waxed... and then i don't remember what happened for the rest of the day, but i'm sure i enjoyed it just fine.
Best present: hm, the whole year? wow... probably my handcrafted futon from danny - he built it for me all by himself : /

AND MORE SURVEY.. (just for the heck of answering more questions)
1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before? well, for one thing, I went to Italy... and Austria... and Coloardo in the summertime
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? ya know, i'm not really a resolution person... i don't think that a new year is necessarily reason to decide to help yourself out - you should look out for yourself at all times :)
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Danny's sister Michelle had her baby in December. I was there when she announced to the family that she was pregnant - it made me feel like I belonged with the family.
4. Did anyone close to you die? my great grandmother and my grandmother.
5. What countries did you visit? Austria and Italy
6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003? uninterrupted happiness
7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? July 3rd. ...i will never forget that day... : /
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? getting into UGA!!!!!!!!!!! GO DAWGS!
9. What was your biggest failure? blaming myself and harming my spirit, in turn losing nearly 2 months of my life.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? a broken heart and bruised ego.
11. What was the best thing you bought? damn... tickets to radiohead... tickets to lollapalooza.... tickets to dredg... anything that facilitated an amazing experience with loved ones.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? actually, i'm going to have to say mine because i learned so much about myself and made such improvements in my life. i am very proud of who i became in 2003
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Danny Herrera... but i can't really blame him i suppose. I wasn't too impressed with Erin's continued decision to be with Lou either... ugh....
14. Where did most of your money go? probably either entertainment or clothes... or gifts for danny... : /
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Danny moving home for the summer, going to see Incubus and Radiohead
16. What song will always remind you of 2003? Clocks - Coldplay or Grace - Jeff Buckley
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? sadder
ii. thinner or fatter? i think basically the same, maybe a little fatter
iii. richer or poorer? financially, probably richer... i'm not sure otherwise.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? developing friendships and appreciating my life every day.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? doting, assuming, and taking things for granted.
20. How did you be spend Christmas? with my family here in marietta - nothing exciting.
22. Did you fall in love in 2003? i fell in love in late 2002, and continued to love deeply until sometime mid to late 2003...
23. How many one-night stands? if you count making out, then two...ish. but if not, then none.
24. What was your favorite TV program? I enjoyed watching the simpsons, the bachelor when i caught it, and the real world, as always. i never made an effort to watch any t.v. though.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? i will never hate anyone, but there are definitely people that i feel drastically different about in a negative way (and i wouldn't automatically assume the obvious, y'all...)
26. What was the best book you read? i only read one book for leisure, which was Lolita, and it was fantastic. read it.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? oh shit. i can't tell you... i want it to be all mine.
28. What did you want and get? the experience of love found and lost. (well, i didn't necessarily want to lose it, but the experience is forever invaluable to me.)
30. What was your favorite film of this year? argh, this seems so repetitive!!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? i woke up with a hangover, got my legs waxed... and then probably spent the rest of the day with danny. we went to CPK, then he took me back to his house where he gave me my unfinished futon and his mom got me a cookie cake :) cute. i was 17.
32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? staying clear headed about everything in my life.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003? funky, urban, sexy, hippy, comfortable.
34. What kept you sane? my own determination, my friends, and danny when the case was applicable.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? i'm not big into that scene... but incubus ranked pretty high... tool... jeff buckley. AHH I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH
36. What political issue stirred you the most? i'm not huge into politics, but i guess the war with iraq was pretty nervewracking
37. Who did you miss? Danny when he was at school, Alexander when i didn't get to see him much, and Andy when i needed him the most.
38. Who was the best new person you met? either Brennan or Scarlett... scarlett is a fucking stallion
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003: always love yourself and others and never take your life for granted. be nice to everyone. never lie. find one thing to be happy about each and every day.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: it's impossible to sum up this year with one congruent thought because it completely spanned the spectrum of emotions, but if i had to consider my year retrospectively, the wisest thing i could say is "the wealthiest person is a pauper at times compared to the man with a satisfied mind." so no matter what fortunes you have in your life, be they material or otherwise, nothing will ever be more valuable than living your life day to day with a certain satisfied mind - you are right with the world and the world is right with you - and the only way to achieve that is to love and appreciate and enjoy everything that life has to offer you.

that didn't take nearly as long as i expected it to, but i really really really have to get crackin on this winter homework that dr. sims gave me. yikes. eeeee.... ughhhh..... aghhhh.... guacala. i bet it was exciting seeing me here!! :)

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